This Repository is for the front end of the Code-Laborate application! Code-Laborate is a message board for software engineers to collaborate and post questions about difficult programming issues that are encountered. Other users are then able to leave comments on posts with helpful solutions.
- code-laborate-API Repo
- Deployed API
- Deployed App Website Resources
- w3schools
- developer.mozilla
- stackOverflow
- React Docs
- React Bootstrap
- We started by choosing a prompt and decided to go with a message board. Next, we mapped out our process by drawing an ERD to show the relationship between our resources (the user, the posts, and the comments). Afterwards, we drew up a wireframe to plan out how we wanted the UI to appear to the user. We wrote user stories to layout the functionality we wanted to create for the user experience.
- As a team, we started with our create post action together, then show one post since we would need this functionality before other CRUD actions. At this point, we split up into 2 groups and utilized peer programming to complete the other actions. With our comment resource, since it is a sub-document, we completed the 3 comment actions together since they were more complex than post.
- We were having issues with the asynchronous flow of the code when creating/updating/deleting comments. The ShowPost page (where comments live) was re-rendering before we recieved the API response. We ended up having to use the async/await syntax to make our code pattern synchronous allowing the re-render function to use the response from the API.
- As a user, I want to create an account
- As a user, I want to log in to my account and be able to change my password
- As a user, I want to post a question/problem to the board
- As a user, I want to view all of the posts by the community
- As a user, I want to view all of my posts that I've posted
- As a user, I want to 'resolve' (delete) my own posts after they have been answered (if I want too)
- As a user, I want to comment on posts to help the other user out
- Bootstrap
- Javascript
- React
- Axios
- Github Pages
- Resolve checkbox for posts that have been resolved
- 'Like' button so users can 'like' their favorite comment on the post