Introduction to Data Centric AI (MIT, 2022)
밑바닥 부터 시작하는 딥러닝 1,2
CS231n (Stanford Univ.)
- Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition (22.09.21)
- Image Classification (22.09.21)
- Loss Functions and Optimization (22.09.22)
- Introduction to Neural Networks (22.09.22)
- Convolutional Neural Networks (22.09.23)
- Training Neural Networks I (22.09.24)
- Training Neural Networks II (22.09.25)
- Deep Learning Software (22.11.11)
- CNN Architectures (22.12.14)
- Recurrent Neural Networks (23.02.06)
- Segmentation & Detection
- Generative Models (23.04.13)
Vector, Matrix, and Tensor Derivatives (Erik Learned-Miller, Stanford Univ.)
파이토치 1x로 시작하는 딥러닝
Computer Vision (SKKU, Prof. Gaya Nadarajan Lecture Teaching Assistant (2022-Spring), Attended (2021-Fall))
Natural Language Processing (SKKU, Prof. Gaya Nadarajan Lecture Teaching Assistant (2022-Fall))
KAIST Idea Factory 딥러닝 홀로서기
- Graph Convolutional Network
pytorch_advanced: 만들면서 배우는 파이토치 딥러닝
Supplementary Materials: Supplementary concepts essential to understand deep learning (noted by me)
papers: Self-reviewed, reproduced, or implemented papers
- CS230 (2022-Winter)
[부분 참고]
- 파이토치 첫걸음:딥러닝 기초부터 RNN 오토인코더 GAN 실전 기법까지
- 펭귄브로의 3분 딥러닝 파이토치맛