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Superdesk Planning

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This is a plugin for superdesk.
It allows to ingest and manage events, to create planning within agenda, and to link coverages to them.

Table of contents


In order for Superdesk to expose the Planning module, you must configure it in both the client and server config files.

Install Client

Add the dependency to your instance of superdesk.
In superdesk/client/package.json add superdesk-planning to the dependencies (replacing #a79d428 with the specific commit you require):

"dependencies": {
    "superdesk-planning": "superdesk/superdesk-planning#a79d428"

Don't forget to add planning to your superdesk config in superdesk/client/superdesk.config.js, and to enable the planning feature:

apps: [
features: {
    planning: true
workspace: {
    planning: true,
    assignments: true

If you have importApps in your superdesk config, you should also add planning to this list:

importApps: [

This will import the superdesk-planning node module and load the superdesk.planning angular module in the main angular application.

Finally install planning for javascript:

npm install

Install Server

Add the dependency to your instance of superdesk. In superdesk/server/requirements.txt add superdesk-planning to the dependencies (replacing @a5b14c23e with the specific commit you require):


Last thing you need to configure is to add planning to the list of installed apps.
In superdesk/server/ add the following:


Finally install planning for Python:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install for Development

After performing the above steps, you can enable editing of your local copy for use with development.

First you will need to clone the repo from GitHub.
In the root folder where your current superdesk folder is, run the following:

git clone


Running the following will link the superdesk-planning module in development mode:

cd superdesk/client
npm install
npm link ../../superdesk-planning
cd ../..


Run the following to install the python module in development mode:

cd superdesk/server
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ../../superdesk-planning
pip install -e .
cd ..


Below sections include the config options that can be defined in

System Config

    • Defaults to 0 - disabled
    • Defaults to 0 - disabled

Onclusive API Config

    • Defaults to 10000
    • Sets a maximum for how many events can be retrieved from the API.

Event Config

    • Defaults to 200
    • Defines an upper limit to how many events can be created in a recurring series of Events.
    • Defaults to 7
    • Defines the maximum number of days a single event can span.
    • Defaults to False
    • Enables the ability to create templates from an existing Event, and use them for creating new Events.
    • Default: None
    • Required By: Event field related_items (otherwise this field will be automatically disabled)
    • Defines the name of the Search Provider to use for adding related items to an Event

Planning Config

    • Defaults to -1 - disabled
    • Default: 'ncostat:int' - Coverage Planned
    • The default CV qcode for populating planning.coverage[x].news_coverage_status on ingest
    • Default: False
    • If true, will default to creating series of Planning items with a recurring series of Events,
    • Default: ""
    • Comma separated list of Planning & Coverage fields to keep in sync with the associated Event
    • Supported Fields:
      • slugline
      • internal_note
      • name
      • place (list CVs)
      • subject (list CVs, exclude items with scheme)
      • custom_vocabularies (list CVs, inside subject with scheme)
      • anpa_category (list CVs)
      • ednote
      • language (includes languages if multilingual is enabled)
      • definition_short (copies to Planning item's Description Text)
      • priority
    • Default: False (the current behavior where assignee details are removed)
    • If true, the assigned_to field (assignee details) is retained when duplicating planning items with coverages.

Assignments Config

    • Defaults to ''
    • The Bot User OAuth Token for access to Slack
    • Defaults to false
    • Automatically assigned a coverage to workflow
    • Defaults to false
    • If true, sends a notification to a user on creating an assignment that is assigned to themselves
    • Defaults to false
    • If true, it will add to planning JSON output additional info for coverages like assigned desk name/email and assigned user name/email.

Authoring Config

    • Defaults to false
    • If true, check for unfulfilled assignments when publishing a story
    • Defaults to false
    • If true, links content update to the assignment of the parent item
    • Defaults to ''
    • Desk IDs to display fulfil challenge on publish (requires PLANNING_CHECK_FOR_ASSIGNMENT_ON_PUBLISH=true)
    • Defaults to false
    • If true, check for unfulfilled assignments when sending a story from an authoring desk to production desk
    • Defaults to []
    • This is an allow list of content types (text, picture etc) that can be linked to a coverage
    • If this option is not defined, or is an empty array, then all content types can be linked
    • Otherwise only the content types in the list are allowed to be linked to a coverage
    • This includes fulfilment of an Assignment

Development tools config


To enable, create a local storage entry called "devtools" with a value '["redux-logger"]'. It can be done by running the following command in the console:

localStorage.setItem('devtools', '["redux-logger"]')

Slack Integration

There are a couple of steps to take to enable slack for assignment notifications.

  • Add features.slackNotifications: 1 to your superdesk.config.js file
  • Configure a SLACK_BOT_TOKEN in your
  • Add slackclient==1.0.9 to your requirements.txt file, and install using pip
  • Configure slack channel/user names in the Superdesk UI
    • SLACK CHANNEL NAME in the General tab for a desk
    • SLACK USERNAME in the Overview of each user

Celery Tasks

The following are celery tasks configured to perform periodic tasks specific to Planning.

Celery Tasks: Expire Items

There is a Celery Task to expire items after a configured amount of time.


CELERY_TASK_ROUTES['planning.flag_expired'] = {
    'queue': celery_queue('expiry'),
    'routing_key': 'expiry.planning'

CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE['planning:expiry'] = {
    'task': 'planning.flag_expired',
    'schedule': crontab(minute='0')

PLANNING_EXPIRY_MINUTES = 4320 # default is 0

The above example config will run the Celery Task once every hour, flagging items as expired after 3 days from the scheduled date.

If PLANNING_EXPIRY_MINUTES = 0, then no item will be flagged as expired (effectively disabling this feature)

There is also a command so that you can manually run this task.

python planning:flag_expired

Celery Tasks: Delete Spiked

This is a Celery Task to delete spiked planning items, associated assignments and events after a configured amount of time. Settings are very similar to "planning:flag_expired" task

In your, configure this task as follows using the variable PLANNING_DELETE_SPIKED_MINUTES:

CELERY_TASK_ROUTES['planning.delete_spiked'] = {
    'queue': celery_queue(''),
    'routing_key': 'delete.planning'

CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE['planning:delete'] = {
    'task': 'planning.delete_spiked',
    'schedule': crontab(minute='0')


The above example config will run the Celery Task once every hour, deleting spiked items after 3 days from the scheduled date.

If PLANNING_EXPIRY_MINUTES = 0, then no item will be deleted

There is also a command so that you can manually run this task.

python planning:delete_spiked

Celery Tasks: Delete Assignments

This is a Celery Task to delete Assignments that have been marked by the system to be removed. This can happen when the Coverage is cancelled but the Assignemnt or content item is currently locked. This task will later on attempt to remove the Assignment once it is unlocked by the user.

The following is the default config if one is not defined:

CELERY_TASK_ROUTES['planning.delete_assignments'] = {
    'queue': celery_queue('expiry'),
    'routing_key': 'expiry.delete_assignments'

CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE['lanning:delete_assignments'] = {
    'task': 'planning.delete_assignments',
    'schedule': crontab(seconds=60)

Running Tests

To run the same tests that is used in Travis, run the following:

cd superdesk-planning
make test
cd ..

Or you can run them individually as below.

Tests: Client

Code Style

cd superdesk-planning
npm run hint
cd ..

Unit Tests

cd superdesk-planning
npm run unit_test
cd ..

Coverage Report

cd superdesk-planning
npm run coveralls
cd ..

Tests: Server

Code Style

cd superdesk-planning/server
cd ../..

Unit Tests

cd superdesk-planning/server
nosetests -v
cd ../..

Behaviour Tests

cd superdesk-planning/server
cd ../..