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tl;dr configuring http/ws/ble/whatnot is a pain in the ass, this boilerplate generates C code from cuelang-generated-json through ejs templates to remove the pain and focus on the fun.

SuperGreenOSBoilerplate proposes a way to ease and accelerate esp32 firmware development. By making most widely used features free. It allows to generate most of the code for ble/http/wifi/ota/etc.. from a configuration file.

Built around the key/value and modules paradigm, it's quite close to what you'd find in a microservice architecture.

Concretely it means you define modules and key/value pairs in a configuration file, and it will generate:

  • getters and setters method
  • http r/w access
  • ble r/w access with notifications
  • an admin interface available over http
  • periodic value update over MQTT
  • save to internal flash

All these features can be disactivated or tuned (ie read-only access, no persistence etc..).

From that all you have left to do is write the module's main loop and work with it's key/values.

This architecture allows a modular approach, and with modules interacting through there respective key/values.


  • Key-value architecture
  • Over-the-air update
  • Statistic reports
  • Bluetooth LE interface
  • HTTP interface
  • Tiny local file system and http file serving
  • Auto generated admin interface
  • All logs redirected to MQTT
  • Comes with a cloud backend


  • Websocket
  • Mesh network (TODO)
  • Bluetooth (non BLE)


The whole point is to end up with a code that is as static as possible, so we can totally eliminate any kind of memory leaks coming from our code itself.

This is meant to be running 24/24 7/7 for months straight, so better have something as predictable as possible. Full static code makes that more reachable.

But we don't want to lose the advantages of dynamic code, neither do we want to have to repeat things N times all over the code base. So the proposed solution is to produce static code before compilation.

How to use


Based on esp-idf from espressif, and FreeRTOS.

Only runs on esp32.

I've mostly been woking with either:


Workstation setup

Follow the get-started guide from espressif.

Install cuelang getting started

Cue is a tool made to write JSON configurations in a much more efficient manner.

And finally, install ejs-cli.


As an example we're just going to stream a temp sensor's values to a cloud, for monitoring and alerts. We'll also blink a led based on said sensor values (the hotter the faster it blinks). The sensor used here is the sht21, I'll pass the detail because it's a weird one, but it's i2c compatible, and I have the code here.

This will get us through the main features:

  • create a module
  • create an i2c device
  • initialize the key in the system

First thing first, clone this repo, and run make to see if the whole xtensa/esp-idf setup is working:

# clone repo
git clone SuperGreenTemp
cd SuperGreenTemp

# create config directory
./ SuperGreenTemp config.json

# generate code and admin app
./ config.json
./ config.json

# make & flash
./ && make -j4 flash monitor

If it's the first time you launch this command, this is going to ask you a bunch of questions, just press enter to enter the default.

Don't worry if you see a warning about i2c unused variables passing by.

It should end with something like this:

Generating esp32.common.ld
LD build/firmware.elf v2.6-beta1
To flash all build output, run 'make flash' or:
python2 /home/korben/esp-idf/components/esptool_py/esptool/ --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB1 --baud 115200 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 40m --flash_size detect 0xd000 /home/korben/SuperGreenLab/SuperGreenOSBoilerplate/build/ota_data_initial.bin 0x1000 /home/korben/SuperGreenLab/SuperGreenOSBoilerplate/build/bootloader/bootloader.bin 0x10000 /home/korben/SuperGreenLab/SuperGreenOSBoilerplate/build/firmware.bin 0x8000 /home/korben/SuperGreenLab/SuperGreenOSBoilerplate/build/partitions.bin

Creating modules and devices

Now we're ready to start coding. We'll start by streaming the temperature to the cloud.

For the 2 first step, we'll be using the script called, which usage is as follows:

[Usage] ./ template_name module_name config_file
  • template_name is either new_module or new_i2c_device.
  • module_name is the name of the module of i2c_device we're creating.
  • config_file the name of the generated config file

Create sht21 i2c device

So first step is to create the i2c device. There's a script for that, we'll call our device sth1x:

I2C device boilerplate

./ new_i2c_device sht21 config.json

Output should look like this:

Copying files to main/sht21
Call ejs-cli for templates/new_i2c_device/new_i2c_device.c.template to main/sht21/sht21.c
Call ejs-cli for templates/new_i2c_device/new_i2c_device.h.template to main/sht21/sht21.h
Running ./
Processing main/ Done
Processing main/init.c.template: Done
Processing main/core/kv/kv.c.template: Done
Processing main/core/kv/kv_helpers_internal.h.template: Done
Processing main/core/kv/kv_helpers_internal.c.template: Done
Processing main/core/kv/kv_helpers.c.template: Done
Processing main/core/kv/keys.h.template: Done
Processing main/core/kv/kv.h.template: Done
Processing main/core/i2c/i2c.c.template: Done
Processing main/core/httpd/httpd_kv_handlers.c.template: Done
Processing main/core/ble/ble_db.h.template: Done
Processing main/core/ble/ble_db.c.template: Done
Processing main/core/include_modules.h.template: Done
Processing main/core/stat_dump/stat_dump.c.template: Done

Run the make command to ensure that the newly created module did not wreck everything:

Toolchain path: /home/korben/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc
Toolchain version: crosstool-ng-1.22.0-80-g6c4433a
Compiler version: 5.2.0
Python requirements from /home/korben/esp-idf/requirements.txt are satisfied.
App "firmware" version: 24fcccf-dirty
CC build/app_update/esp_app_desc.o
AR build/app_update/libapp_update.a
CC build/main/init.o

[..... BLAH .....]

CC build/main/sht21/sht21.o      <------ This is our new i2c_device
AR build/main/libmain.a
Generating libapp_update.a.sections_info
Generating libmain.a.sections_info
Generating esp32.common.ld
LD build/firmware.elf v2.6-beta1
To flash all build output, run 'make flash' or:
python2 /home/korben/esp-idf/components/esptool_py/esptool/ --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB1 --baud 115200 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 40m --flash_size detect 0xd000 /home/korben/SuperGreenLab/SuperGreenOSBoilerplate/build/ota_data_initial.bin 0x1000 /home/korben/SuperGreenLab/SuperGreenOSBoilerplate/build/bootloader/bootloader.bin 0x10000 /home/korben/SuperGreenLab/SuperGreenOSBoilerplate/build/firmware.bin 0x8000 /home/korben/SuperGreenLab/SuperGreenOSBoilerplate/build/partitions.bin


Generated code

Now we have a new directory under main/sht21/ containing two files sht21.c and sht21.h, let's get there and open the files with your favorite code editor.

They look something like this:



#ifndef SHT21_H_
#define SHT21_H_

void init_sht21(int i2cId);
void loop_sht21(int i2cId);




#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sht21.h"
#include "driver/i2c.h"

#include "../core/kv/kv.h"
#include "../core/log/log.h"

#define SHT21_ADDR 0x42

void init_sht21(int i2cId) {
  ESP_LOGI(SGO_LOG_EVENT, "@SHT21 Initializing sht21 i2c device\n");
  // TODO: write you setup code here

void loop_sht21(int i2cId) {
  // start_i2c();
  // TODO: write you i2c device read code here
  // stop_i2c();

There are two functions defined, init_sht21 and loop_sht21, loop_sht21 is called repeatedly every few seconds, depending on how many devices you have (only one i2c device can talk at a time). The init_sht21 method is called once at the very start of the program.

Driver code

Let's get this straight, and copy those files in the main/sht21 directory:

Connect the sht21 sensor as follows:

- PWR: 3.3v
- SDA: 26
- SCL: 27
cf. main/core/i2c/i2c.h (these values can be changed through http)

Create sht21 keys in config.json

Open config_gen/config/SuperGreenTemp/sht21.cue. We'll add a temperature and humidity keys, of type integer, accessible over ble and wifi, but read-only. We'll also add a key to indicate if it's present or not. And we want it to be automatically backed in the flash store. So the value stays there even after a reboot.

Your sht21.cue should look like this:

package config

modules sht21: _I2C_MODULE & {
  array_len: len(_i2c_conf)

modules sht21 fields "\(k)_present": _INT8 & _HTTP & {
  default: 0
} for k, v in _i2c_conf

modules sht21 fields "\(k)_temp": _INT8 & _HTTP & _BLE & {
  default: 0
  temp_sensor: 0x1+k
  ble uuid: "{0x91,0xb6,0x64,0x14,0xa9,0xba,0x6a,0x30,0x80,0xc1,0x67,0x62,0x25,0xef,0xe0,0xb2}"
  ble notify: true
  helper: "SHT21 temperature sensor on sensor port #\(k)"
} for k, v in _i2c_conf

modules sht21 fields "\(k)_humi": _INT8 & _HTTP & _BLE & {
  default: 0
  humi_sensor: 0x1+k
  ble uuid: "{0x91,0xb6,0x64,0x14,0xa9,0xba,0x6a,0x30,0x80,0xc1,0x67,0x62,0x25,0xef,0xe0,0xb3}"
  ble notify: true
  helper: "SHT21 humidity sensor on sensor port #\(k)"
} for k, v in _i2c_conf

The for k, v in _i2c_conf code means one key for each available i2c ports, \(k) is replaced by the port index.

This cue configuration will produce keys named:


X being replaced by the i2c port number, starting from 0.

Now run the config_gen/config/SuperGreenTemp config.json && ./ config.json command. And then make to see that everything's ok.

Now that it's setup, you can access the humidity and temperature from the sensor from any modules with the generated functions get_sht21_temp and get_sht21_humi.

First run

Tool setup

At that point we want to see our key available over ble and http, right ?

So plug in your esp32, set the right serial port by doing a make menuconfig and under Serial flasher config -> Default serial port you'll be able to set the port.

Finding the right port depends on your system, on mine (debian) it's /dev/ttyUSBX, X being 0 for small esp32 boards, and should be 1 when using the esp-wrover-kit.

On macosx I had to change the python version used too, explicitely set python2 under SDK tool configuration -> Python 2 interpreter

Now let's run:

make flash monitor

After some uploading, you should see all the esp's logs (in green) appearing on your screen.

Now there are two options to do the initial setup, by connecting either to its wifi or ble inteface.


In your wifi list, you'll see that the firmware has started its own wifi AP, it's called πŸ€–πŸ, and the default password is multipass.

Once connected to it, the firmware is accessible as supergreenosboilerplate.local.

To see by yourself you can direct your browser to http://supergreenosboilerplate.local/fs/app.html, which will display the admin interface.

The HTTP API is further explained here


Download LightBlue on the ios and google stores, and start it.

You should see a device named πŸ€–πŸ, select it. Now you're connected.

In the characteristics list you should see a bunch of characteristics, those are the default ones, and at the very last, there's our temperature characteristic, it's name starts with b2e0, select it.

Now you can press the read button, and it should display, 0, which is the default value we provided in the config.json file, under the default key, at the very last line.

If you look in the logs of you esp32, you'll see it react when you press the read button.

Create Led module

We usually want to do something other than monitoring and alerts, in our case we have a temperature value, so we could control a motor based on that for example.

To illustrate that, we'll just blink a led, the hotter it gets the faster it blinks.


Just like we did with the i2c device, we'll use the script to generate the base code for our module:

./ new_module led

(things should go roughly as with the i2c device)

Run a make to make sure it's ok.

Generated code

Module files look like i2c devices' files, except that they run their own freeRTOS task.

Open the generated files in main/led:



#ifndef LED_H_
#define LED_H_

void init_led();




#include <stdlib.h>
#include "led.h"

#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"

#include "../core/kv/kv.h"
#include "../core/log/log.h"

static void led_task(void *param);

void init_led() {
  ESP_LOGI(SGO_LOG_EVENT, "@LED Initializing led module\n");

  // TODO: write you setup code here

  xTaskCreate(led_task, "LED", 4096, NULL, 10, NULL);

static void led_task(void *param) {
  while (true) {

    // TODO: write your loop code here

    vTaskDelay(5 * 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

We have two functions, init_led and led_task, init_led is called once on startup, and led_task is the code of your task.

In case you have never used freeRTOS before, you can see them as seperate threads.

If you have already used arduino, it's like a sketch that can run with other sketches at the same time on the same chip. Only difference with a sketch is that you never exit a task (hence the while(true).

Code the led blinking

This part shall be left as an exercise for the reader.

Hint: Espressif has done a great job with their examples

WIFI Configuration

Now we're going to configure the wifi, it allows the device to reset its internal clock on reboots, update its firmware automatically, and stream its datas to the cloud.

Another thing it allows is complete control of all the firmware's parameter, ble has limitations (no more than 64 keys, for ex.). Http does not, so it's the preferred method to interact with the firmware.

Through WIFI AP

When no wifi station is configured or if connection repeatedly fails, the firmware will start its own wifi AP, it's called πŸ€–πŸ, and the default password is multipass.

Once connected you can set the wifi credentials with the following commands:

(Try a few times if it complains about unknown host resolution, the firmware broadcast every 10 seconds.)

curl -X POST http://supergreenosboilerplate.local/s?k=WIFI_SSID&v=[ Insert SSID here ]
curl -X POST http://supergreenosboilerplate.local/s?k=WIFI_PASSWORD&v=[ Insert Wifi WPA password here ]

Only wpa is supported for now.

You can check the wifi connection status in the log or by repeatedly calling this command, until it says 3, which means CONNECTED

curl http://supergreenosboilerplate.local/i?k=WIFI_STATUS

Through BLE

To configure the wifi with BLE get back to lightblue, and select the characteristic starting with 372f, it's the wifi_status characteristic, click the subscribe button, so you'll have a notification when the value changes.

Now select the characteristic starting by 6ca3, it's the wifi_ssid characteristic, press the write button in lightblue, and set your SSID, watch out for android users: the strings are in hex, so you can't type it directly, use a service like this to do the transformation.

Do the same for the wifi_password, it starts with f7e4.

Now you should have notifications for the wifi_status characteristic changing value. You want it to be equal to 3.

Once it's done, your firmware will be available as supergreenosboilerplate.local, for example the url http://supergreenosboilerplate.local/s?k=DEVICE_NAME will print it's name. Try a few times if it complains about unknown host resolution, the firmware broadcast every 10 seconds.


The HTTP interface allows read and write on the firmware's keys that have a write: true attribute in config.json, websocket change subscribing is underway.

The HTTP interface has 2 routes for now /i and /s, they correspond to the type of the value, i for integer, and s for string.

Query parameters are as follows:

  • GET requests: k for the key's name to get.
  • POST requests: k for the key's name to set, and v for the value to set.

So to set a new DEVICE_NAME:

curl -X POST http://supergreenosboilerplate.local/s?k=DEVICE_NAME&v=NewName

And to get the DEVICE_NAME back:

curl http://supergreenosboilerplate.local/s?k=DEV_NAME

All right, everything seems to be working, let's move on.

Cloud, Logs and MQTT

Now monitoring and alerts !

How data is sent to MQTT

Now we have a way to know if it's too hot or too cold, but this would be even more useful if we could get that data when we're not here, or even better, if it could tell us when the temperature leaves a given range.

Actually we'd like to know EVERYTHING that is happening inside the chip, there are also stack RAM monitoring that could be useful, or even re-reading the logs to see what might have lead to a crash.

The boilerplate comes with an mqtt client, to make it simple, and be sure to never lose anything, the firmware simply catches all logs from the code, and sends it directly to an mqtt server.

MQTT is a publish/subscribe protocol, if you haven't used that before, it's like a big hub, clients connect to it, and can publish (send), or subscribe to messages.

Which means that once the logs are gone in an mqtt server, it's really easy to plug other things to it, like a redis instance to keep the values of all key/value pairs of the system, or a prometheus server to produce nive graphs and alerts.

You can even connect a voice assistant like Alexa or others. But that's useless.

Checkout the repo SuperGreenCloud, it's a collection of softwares pre-configured, to let you deploy your own cloud in a matter of minutes.

Setup MQTT configuration

There is a key pre-configured to set the mqtt broker url: BROKER_URL, it's only accessible through wifi. To change it's value:

curl -X POST http://supergreenosboilerplate.local/s?k=BROKER_URL&v=[ Enter your URL here ]

Restarting is required for changes to take effect (removing this is on the TODO)

Now you should start seeing logs arriving in prometheus and grafana.


Please follow the SuperGreenCloud Quickstart guide.

Which will lead you to something like this:

Graphs 1 Graphs 2

Let me know if you need a complete guide, because that's much more work than just typing text:P



Over-The-Air (OTA) updates

Now that we have our device setup and installed, we don't really want to have to bet back to it with a usb cord and a laptop.

That's where OTA updates get handy, we only have to place two files on a server online, tell the firmware how to find them, and it'll check periodically if it needs to update itself.

Again there are a few keys that you can configure to set this up, and they're only accessible through wifi:

  • OTA_SERVER_IP: IP address of the server.
  • OTA_SERVER_HOSTNAME: Hostname to set in the Host: http header.
  • OTA_SERVER_PORT: Server port.
  • OTA_VERSION_FILENAME: The path of the file containing the version information, right now it contains a timestamp, that is compared to the timestamp of the build (set at compile time).
  • OTA_FILENAME: The actual firmware file path.

Keys definition



Right now SuperGreenLab does not have an official support hotline. But here's a bunch of places where we'll respond:


Actually that's the whole purpose of this repository, so what you'll learn on SuperGreenOS can actually be used for other stuffs:)