an arduino sketch to read raw values from MPU6050 Acclerometer and publish the data on tinyIMU messages to ROS
Depends on Jeff Rowberg's I2Cdevlib library found at Be sure to install the MPU6050 library and I2Cdev Libraries from the Arduino folder to the folders on your IDE.
Work will eventually be done to convert this into a catkinized package to run with CMake. Initial attempts to do this were frustrating, so the current workaround is to flash this to an arduino independent of ROS, install the rosserial library found at into the workspace and build the ROS libraries into the arduino sketchbook folder using the method described in the rosserial tutorials
mkdir tinyPkgs
cd tinyPkgs
git clone
git clone
cmake tiny_msgs/
source tiny_msgs/devel/setup.bash
You will need to run this command on every new shell you open to have access to the tiny_msgs, unless you add this line to your .bashrc (with the full folder path). For this tutorial it's necessary to have tiny_msgs available in every new shell.
The tiny_msgs have to be included in the Arduino library. The location of the library folder might be different in your installation.
cd ~/Arduino/libraries
rm -rf ros_lib
rosrun rosserial_arduino .
Connect the MPU6050 to the Arduino like shown in this tutorial and test if you can run the example code to gather the raw data without ROS.
Upload the tinyIMU.ino sketch to your Arduino using the Arduino software.
start rosserial in a new shell. Don't forget step 3 if you have not sourced setup.bash
rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyUSB0
ttyUSB0 might also be another port like ttyUSB1 or ttyACM0
Examine the available topics
rostopic list
A new topic /tinyImu should be now available
rostopic echo /tinyImu
This should print a stream of IMU readings in the following style:
seq: 8
secs: 1492693910
nsecs: 348656101
frame_id: �
x: 1392
y: -2854
z: -17169
x: -123
y: 255
z: -75
You can now subscribe to the topic in your own ROS package and use it for your purposes.
Note the tinyIMU_relay package can be used to translate the tiny IMU messages to standard ROS imu messages.