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Developer Folio

Build and Deploy

Docker Commands

  1. BUILD IMAGE : docker build -t devfolio:latest .
  2. RUN IMAGE: docker run -t -p 3000:3000 devfolio:latest

How To Use Devfolio

From your command line, clone and run devfolio:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd devfolio

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

#Start's development server
$ npm start

Linking Portfolio to Github

Generate a Github personal access token following these instructions (make sure you don't select any scope just generate a simple token).

  1. Create a file called .env in the root directory of your project, check the base file

Note: Instead of creating a .env file, you can just run this command "cp env.example .env" inside the root directory

- devfolio
  - node_modules
  - public
  - src
  - .env         <-- create it here
  - env.example  <-- this is the base file
  - .gitignore
  - package-lock.json
  - package.json
  1. Inside the .env file, add key REACT_APP_GITHUB_TOKEN and assign your github token like this.
 // .env

Set showGithubProfile to true or false to show Contact Profile using Github, defaults to false.

Note: Open Source Projects section only show pinned items of your Github. If you are seeing something as shown below, follow these instructions.

Change and customize every section according to your need.

Personalize page content in /src/portfolio.js & modify it as per your need.

/* Change this file to get your Personal Porfolio */

const greeting = {
  /* Your Summary And Greeting Section */
  title: "Hi all I'm Supermavster",
  subTitle: emoji("A passionate Full Stack Software Developer 🚀"),
  resumeLink: ""

const socialMediaLinks = {
  /* Your Social Media Link */
  github: "",
  linkedin: "",
  gmail: "",
  gitlab: "",
  facebook: ""

const skillsSection = { .... }

const techStack = { .... }

const workExperience = { .... }

const openSource = { .... }

const bigProjects = { .... }

const achievementSection = { .... }

const blogSection = { .... }

const contactInfo = { .... }

const twitterDetails = { ... }

Using Emojis

For adding emoji 😃 into the texts in Portfolio.js, use the emoji() function and pass the text you need as an argument. This would help in keeping emojis compatible across different browsers and platforms.

Adding Twitter Time line to your Page

Insert your Twitter username in portfolio.js to show your recent activity on your page.

const twitterDetails = {
  userName : "Your Twitter Username"

Note: Don't use @ symbol when adding username.