App Icons provides an easy way to get iOS App icons into your service or application. Simply pass the iOS ID, Bundle Identifier, or Name and we'll get the Icon or a nice-looking alternative.
To fetch an App Icon or generate a nice looking-fallback just embed following URL:<app-icon|bundle-identifier|name>
You will receive a png
image with a size of 100*100px
This is the Itunes Id which can be found a the ends of urls like this:
Since we don't have the bundle indentifier, we'll genreate a fallback using a gradient & first letter
Are you creating a new app/website involving iOS Apps?
Do you want to display the app's icons or a nice looking placeholder? This service takes care of it.
Do you want to deploy avatar to Heroku? We got all that covered for you. Just click this button:
Huge shoutout to @tobiaslins for creating the original avatar project!