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Frontend Mentor - Bookmark landing page solution

This is a solution to the Bookmark landing page challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents

Note: Delete this note and update the table of contents based on what sections you keep.


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
  • Receive an error message when the newsletter form is submitted if:
    • The input field is empty
    • The email address is not formatted correctly


  • Desktop Preview


My process

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • CSS Grid
  • Mobile-first workflow

What I learned

I learned how to create toggle elements using Vanilla Javascript using some primitive logic. I don't feel very proud of CSS in this and found that there is a major scope for learning and improvement especially about Mobile first Workflow and Responsive design.

Continued development

  • Make the design pixel perfect
  • Work on the Hamburger Menu and implement sliding menu
  • Make CSS more compact and reduce the lines of code
  • Right now there are about 7 Media Queries varying with respect to different widths, but I wish to make them as los as possible as I continue learning more about CSS.
  • Implementation of the same Landing Page using React

Useful resources

  • Dropdown Menu - This helped me with toggle different elements.

  • Flexbox Guide - This is an amazing article/cheatsheet for Flexbox. I'd recommend it to anyone still learning this concept.



This was a really good challenge and I really enjoyed doing it. I got to know and implement many interesting things along with my weakpoints on which I really need to work on along with brushing up the already strong points.


This is a part of the series of Frontend Challenges from






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