Investigation into the use of neural networks to optimize the state space and Learning performance of a Reinforcement Learning Problem
Suraj Narayanan S, Boris Repasky, Sina Eghbal
Reinforcement Learning is generally used for sequentials decision making problems where the system has a complex stochastic structure. A common approach for model-free reinforcement learning is Q-learning. At its simplest, Q-learning uses a look-up table to store data, which quickly looses viability with a very large number of state/action pairs. In this paper we aim to solve this problem by investigating the use of an auto-encoder neural network to learn releveant features thereby being able to compress the state space. The non-linear features learned by the autoencoder further enhances the preformance of vanilla Q-learning. Using the results we propose to do a comparative study to assess how effective auto-encoders are in preprocessing the state space. The study would consider several criteria such as number of non-linear features used, learning rate, and overall performance to measure effectiveness. Future extensions to this research would be to have an on-line autoencoder to periodically update the state space by looking at states that have similar future expected rewards.
Poster: poster.pdf (pending publication)
numpy : 1.11.0
keras : 1.0.3
theano: 0.8.2
Versions are mentioned for documentation purposes, pip install numpy theano keras
should work just fine.
Navigate to code
folder, then use the following command:
python -p PacmanQAgent -x 2000 -n 2010 -a epsilon=0.05,gamma=0.8,alpha=0.2 -l mediumGrid -e autoenc -d state_file_mediumGrid_uniq.dat -u 10 -i 3000
-u : number of hidden neurons
-i : number of epochs to train the autoencoder
-d : state space data file for training autoencoder
-e : specify autoencoder module
smallGrid -> state_file_smallGrid_uniq.dat
mediumGrid -> state_file_mediumGrid_uniq.dat
smallClassic -> state_file_smallClassic_uniq.dat
mediumClassic -> state_file_mediumClassic_uniq.dat