This project aims to teach a gRPC
service with HTTP+JSON
interface. A small amount of configuration in your service to attach HTTP semantics is all that's needed to generate a reverse-proxy with this library.
Installation The grpc-gateway requires a local installation of the Google protocol buffers compiler protoc v3.0.0 or above. Please install this via your local package manager or by downloading one of the releases from the official repository:
Then, go get -u
as usual the following packages:
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
This will place three binaries in your $GOBIN
Start terminal to build and run gRPC server with HTTP/REST gateway (replace parameters according to your SQL database server):
cd cmd/server
go build .
server.exe -grpc-port=9090 -http-port=8080 -db-host=<HOST>:3306 -db-user=<USER> -db-password=<PASSWORD> -db-schema=<SCHEMA>
If you see
2019/05/14 17:28:25 starting HTTP/REST gateway...
2019/05/14 17:28:25 starting gRPC server...
It means server is started. Open another terminal to build and run HTTP/REST client:
cd cmd/client-rest
go build .
client-rest.exe -server=http://localhost:8080
If we see something like this
2019/05/14 17:24:04 Create response: Code=200, Body={"api":"v1","id":"2"}
2019/05/14 17:24:04 Read response: Code=200, Body={"api":"v1","toDo":{"id":"2","title":"title (2019-05-14T11:54:04.3968122Z)","description":"description (2019-05-14T11:54:04.3968122Z)","reminder":"2019-05-14T11:54:04Z"}}
2019/05/14 17:24:04 Update response: Code=200, Body={"api":"v1","updated":"1"}
2019/05/14 17:24:04 ReadAll response: Code=200, Body={"api":"v1","toDos":[{"id":"2","title":"title (2019-05-14T11:54:04.3968122Z) + updated","description":"description (2019-05-14T11:54:04.3968122Z) + updated","reminder":"2019-05-14T11:54:04Z"}]}
2019/05/14 17:24:04 Delete response: Code=200, Body={"api":"v1","deleted":"1"}
Everything works fine