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Elm-Bulma is a simple and beautiful front-end library.


Getting Started

  1. Make a new project: mkdir bulma-example && cd bulma-example.
  2. Install the package: elm package install --yes surprisetalk/elm-bulma.
  3. Create a new file Example.elm and copy this example file or the code below.
  4. Start elm reactor and navigate to http://localhost:8000/Example.elm.
module Example exposing (..)

import Browser
import Bulma.CDN exposing (..)
import Bulma.Modifiers exposing (..)
import Bulma.Elements exposing (..)
import Bulma.Columns exposing (..)
import Bulma.Layout exposing (..)
import Html exposing ( Html, main_, text )

type alias Model = {}

main : Program () Model Msg
  = Browser.sandbox
    { init = {}
    , view = view
    , update = \msg -> \model -> model

view : Model -> Html msg
view model 
  = main_ []
    [ stylesheet
    , exampleHero
    , exampleColumns

exampleHero : Html msg
  = hero { heroModifiers | size = Medium, color = Primary } []
    [ heroBody []
      [ container []
          [ title H1 [] [ text "Hero Title" ]
          , title H2 [] [ text "Hero Subtitle" ]

exampleColumns : Html msg
  = section NotSpaced []
    [ container []
      [ columns columnsModifiers []
        [ column columnModifiers [] [ text "First Column" ]
        , column columnModifiers [] [ text "Second Column" ]
        , column columnModifiers [] [ text "Third Column" ]

