Docker volume driver to give your container exclusive view of underlying filesystem cache using overlayfs.Think of it as Read committed Isolation level
for your filesystem cache between concurrently running containers.
Changes made by container are synced back to cache on container exit.
Note: There is no conflict resolution between changes made by concurrent containers, latest container to exit overwrites all previous changes.
docker plugin install rapt/cachedriver
Volume name is expected to be in <cache-name>-<unique-id>
docker run --rm -it --name one --volume-driver rapt/cachedriver -v foo-one:/data busybox sh
/ # ls /data/
/ # echo one >> /data/foo-one.txt
An underlying cache foo
is created at this point but contents written to this cache by the running container is not visible to concurrently running containers.
docker run --rm -it --name two --volume-driver rapt/cachedriver -v foo-two:/data busybox sh
/ # ls /data/ #foo-one.txt is not visible There
concurrently running containers one
and two
get an isolated view of the cache.
Once container one
exits changes made by it are written back to the cache.
docker run --rm -it --name three --volume-driver rapt/cachedriver -v foo-three:/data busybox sh
/ # ls /data/
/ # foo-one.txt
changes made by container one
are visible to container three
after container one
Build Systems like maven, sbt cache their artifacts but multiple processes cannot use a sigle underlying maven cache due to concurrency issues and exclusive locks. Each maven process requires an isolated view of underlying cache.
docker run --rm -it --name one --volume-driver rapt/cachedriver -v foo-one:/~/.m2 busybox sh / # mvn install
docker run --rm -it --name two --volume-driver rapt/cachedriver -v foo-two:/~/.m2 busybox sh / # mvn install # .m2 cache is primed here by one
Driver uses overlayfs to provide exclusive view of lower
docker run --rm -it --name three --volume-driver rapt/cachedriver -v foo-three:/data busybox sh
/ # echo foo-one > /data/foo-one.txt
/ # exit
Inside volume driver container
/ # docker-runc exec -t 58211af9d85c0e6e095a822f93b6522f0a3fed776c8d9bd72f62a41ebfa7e5c2 sh
/ # mount | grep foo
overlay on /mnt/cache/merged/foo/three type overlay (rw,relatime,lowerdir=/mnt/cache/lower/foo/0,upperdir=/mnt/cache/upper/foo/three,workdir=/mnt/cache/work/foo/three)
/ # ls /mnt/cache/lower/foo/
0 cache-state.json
/ # cat /mnt/cache/lower/foo/cache-state.json
After container one
/ # ls /mnt/cache/lower/foo/
0 cache-state.json three
/ # cat /mnt/cache/lower/foo/cache-state.json
Start another container for foo
docker run --rm -it --name four --volume-driver rapt/cachedriver -v foo-four:/data busybox sh
/ # ls /data
Inside volume container, container four
uses three
as lower
/ # mount | grep foo
overlay on /mnt/cache/merged/foo/four type overlay (rw,relatime,lowerdir=/mnt/cache/lower/foo/three,upperdir=/mnt/cache/upper/foo/four,workdir=/mnt/cache/work/foo/four)