Virus Identification On Site
Java 1.8
Python 2.7
Perl 5
Python 3rd libraries
xlwt xlrd biopython numpy ReportLab matplotlib django1.11.3 django_extensions
There are mainly three steps, including short reads' mapping with Bowtie2, assembling with Velvet, contigs' mapping with blast+. Deloy the bioinformatics softwares , and add the commond to PATH.
adenovirus two samples: -jiayan -liublood
You need to upload the raw datas, after uploading the files were in the directory of "$PATH/VIOS/media/2018/02/raw_datas/". You can get the them from BaiduYun_demoData.
BEFORE, set the DATABASE_HOME in your environment variables.
export DATABASE_HOME=$YOUR_PATH/database
##genome directory
##virus gene/genome directory
Go to the modul 用户自有参考数据库索引 on the web. Then , You can search species genome from UCSC to get host "genome name" you wanna map aginst to remove the host genetics informations from the raw data reads. And, name the "genome name" with the readable name in the "host name" on the web.
For example, you can add "hg38" and "human" in the input box attached a label with "genome name" and "host name", respectively.
There are also some common species
model animal in the lab
poultry and livestock
primates (closer to human relations)
genome name host name hg38 human mm10 house_mouse rn6 Norway_rat galGal5 chicken felCat8 cat susScr3 pig oryCun2 rabbit oviAri3 sheep bosTau8 cow equCab2 horse myoLuc2 microbat papAnu2 baboon panTro5 chimpanzee gorGor5 gorilla rheMac8 rhesus_monkey
virus gene/genome
- Step1. pre-handle the virus database referring to the paper;
- Step2. name it with "nt_viruses_final.fasta";
- Step3. put the file into the $DATABASE_HOME/blastDB/nt_viruses/final directory;
- Step4. Go to the the modelue 用户自有参考数据库索引, press the "Update Viruses" button.
Besides, you can also custom the virus 's some family like Filoviridae which Ebola belongs to. The process method is like the virus handling method above, in addition, modify the variables(nt_viruses_family_name_list,nt_viruses_family_name_readable_list) in the /VIOS/ngs/scripts/ script.
Well, you can email at Su Yanan to get the virus database, I'll share with you through cloud storage. You can download nt_viruses_final database from BaiduYun_database.
Step1. Config MYSQL database
$apt install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev #REMEMBER ROOT PASSWORD $myslq -u root -p mysql>CREATE DATABSAE vios_db; mysql>USE vios_db;
Besides, you can change MySQL to other database like Postgres.
Step2. Clone the VIOS project code locally
#clone the VIOS codes locally: git clone git:// #Modify the /VIOS/VIOS/ file ##replace those variables:USER/PASSWORD DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'NAME': 'vios_db', 'HOST':'', 'PORT':'3306', 'USER':'root', 'PASSWORD':'1234aaaa', } } ##ADD your IP ALLOWED_HOSTS = [ u'', u'localhost', u'your PC IP', ]
Step3. start the VIOS project
$python /VIOS/ runserver #apply the migrations for VIOS $python migrate
Open the VIOS_dress with link
Step4. ANALYSIS: database
Step5. ANALYSIS: pipeline
Step6. ANALYSIS: visualization
The End