git clone
Add the eddy_tracking folder to your PATH
Modify the Domain
, read_data
, and read_mean_data
functions and their calls as per your input data.
from eddytracking import main
# process_count should be less than or equal to the number of processor cores
# z = -1 is used for detecting eddies at surface
# vmin, vmax, and clevs (contour levels) can be changed according to your need. Eddies are searched at clev levels bwtween vmin and vmax. If vmin = vmax, eddies are only searched at one level, vmax.
main('detected_eddies', process_count=48, z=-1, vmin=-10.3011, vmax=-8.6989, clevs=20)
The following code can be used to reload the eddy and track information.
import pickle
with open('detected_eddies', 'rb') as f:
eddies, tracks = pickle.load(f)