An open-source smart contracts library curated by the Suzaku team.
This library provides utility contracts for different blockchain ecosystems, notably Avalanche.
- The AvalancheICTTRouter contract is a router contract that can be used as backend for bridge UIs built on top of Avalanche ICTT.
It tracks the Home and RemoteTokenTransferrer
contracts on multiple chains to initiate transfers by only providing the token to transfer, the destination chain ID and the recipient address.
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Foundry deployment scripts for Avalanche ICTT Home and Remote contracts at contracts/script/Teleporter:
- DeployERC20TokenHome.s.sol
- DeployNativeTokenHome.s.sol
- DeployERC20TokenRemote.s.sol
- DeployNativeTokenRemote.s.sol
Those scripts make use of environment variables to deploy the contracts. See HelperConfig.s.sol for more details.
To use the library in your project, you can install it with forge
forge install suzaku-network/suzaku-contracts-library
cd contracts
forge install
forge build
forge test