Releases: suzaku01/mhf_displayer
mhf_displayer.cfg file is updated.
Text font, size and color are now changeable.
Added right click menu to displayer for opening config menu and closing the app.
While you are in config menu, you can move displays(player panel, monster panel etc.) by drag and drop.
Changed config menu UI.
Deleted C and X button.
Now dispalyer works on Hunter's Road, but resistance and status values are disabled. It only shows their HP. Besides that you can't know their HP until you enter battle field.
Changed so that the display of resistance and status values can be toggled when there are multiple large monsters. To toggle, press LeftAlt+F12. This only works for 1st and 2nd monster. If the monster is selected, it is marked with a star at the beginning of its name.
Fixed a problem where stun values were not being displayed correctly.
Added a panel that shows resistance of each body parts of large monster. Cueently only works for HGE, and 1st monster.
Fixed a problem in which information could not be obtained correctly if the displayer is repeatedly started when the game is already running.
Added C button for configuration menu.
Added configuration menu. Press C buttton to access.
All previous displays are divided into 3 panels. You can configure them separately.
Fixed a problem where strange HP values were displayed for a moment.
Changed to be able to display HP of multiple large monster at same time, up to 4.
Added a panel that shows various values of large monster such as poison, sleep. Currently only works for 1st monster.