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Synthetic PHasE Rate Estimator by single metagenome sequence


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Synthetic PHasE Rate Estimator by single metagenome sequence

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  • Python3
  • Libraries (automatically installed with pip)
    • Numpy
    • Scipy
    • Pandas
    • matplotlib
    • PyStan

How to use


git clone
pip install .


Before using sphere, you have to calculate coverage depth. Here is a example by bowtie2 and Samtools.

Building index file for alignment

bowtie2-build -f <Genome_sequence_path> <index_prefix>

Aligning sequence file to the index file

Next, align with metagenome sequence file with constructed index.

# for single end sequence
bowtie2 -x <index_prefix> -U <Metagenome_sequence_path> -S <Samfile_path>

# for paired end sequence
bowtie2 -x <index_prefix> -1 <Metagenome_foward_sequence_path> -2 <Metagenome_reverse_sequence_path> -S <Samfile_path>

Counting coverage depth

Coverage depth of metagenomic sequence is calculated by samtools. In this procedure, please use -aa option to save zero-coverage depth.

samtools sort -O sam -o <Sorted_samfile_path> <Samfile_path>
samtools depth -a -a <Sorted_samfile_path> > <Coverage_depth_path>

(Optional) Select coverage depthes for single genome

If the template sequence file contains multiple sequences, select the depthes with sequence name

grep <Sequence_name> <Coverage_depth_path> > <Selcted_coverage_depth_path>

(Optional) Compression/Noise reduction by rolling median filter

If ...

  • The length of sequence is too big to estimate as you have only small memory,
  • The coverage depth is too variable to estimate,

it can be smoothed and compressed by median filter command in sphere. When you setted strided_length=100 and window_length=100, for each 100 bp, the median of coverage depth is sampled. Note that when we used too greater number in window_length and average coverage depth is shallow, it became easy to fail in estimation. Thus I recommend to use smaller value than 100 for both parameter.

sphere_filter -s <strided_length> -w <window_length> <Filtered_coverage_depth_path> <Coverage_depth_path>


Sampling mode

This mode performs sampling from the posterior distribution by (quasi-) Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. NUTS sampler is used in default.

sphere_estimate -m vonmises -M sampling <Estimated_result_path> [<Coverage_depth_path1> <Coverage_depth_path2> ...]

The meaning of statistics are followed by Stan. In short,

  • mean: expected a posteriori(EAP) of the parameter
  • se_mean: standard error
  • sd: posterior standard deviation
  • 2.5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 97.5%: posterior percentile
  • n_eff: Effective sample size
  • Rhat: determination index of convergence.
    • If it is greater than 1.1, the MCMC trial doesn't reach to convergence
  • Estimate parameters from complicated model
    • When you try to use mixture models, it'll be better to use MCMC algorithm
  • Parameter estimation range is available
  • Takes a long time
  • Requires much memories

Optimizing mode

This mode performs optimizing of the parameters by maximizing the joint posterior. L-BFGS algorithm is used in default.

sphere_estimate -m vonmises -M optimizing <Estimated_result_path> <Coverage_depth_path1> [<Coverage_depth_path2> ...]

Only maximum likelihood estimates(MLE) were calculated.

  • Fast
  • Low memory requirement
  • Give us a reasonable estimates for simple model
  • Not good for complicated models
  • Only give us a MLE
  • High dependence for initialization seed
    • It would be better to estimate multiple seeds. And check the variance of the parameters.


Some of utilities for coverage depth analysis are equipped with sphere.

Coverage depth visualization

This scripts are useful if you want to know coverage depth trend before using sphere_estimate. See sphere_dplot --help for more details.

sphere_dplot <plot_path> <Coverage_depth_path>

Estimated coverage depth trend visualization

This scripts are useful if you want to know estimated depth trend after estimation. See sphere_mcplot --help for more details.

sphere_mcplot -m vonmises -M sampling <plot_path> <Coverage_depth_path> <Estimated_result_path>

Circular stats

Compute directional stats from coverage depth file. You can calculate mean resultant length of the coverage depth by this tool. See sphere_cstats --help for more details.

sphere_cstats <stats_path> <Coverage_depth_path1> [<Coverage_depth_path2> ...]

Pewsey's symmetric test

Compute stats and p-value of Pewsey's symmetric test following (Pewsey, 2002). See sphere_symtest for more details.

sphere_symtest <stats_path> <Coverage_depth_path1> [<Coverage_depth_path2> ...]


Fitting parameter by optimizing fails, and it returns message as "LS failed, Hessian reset". What is this?

See previous issue submitted to prophet, which also uses Stan as background estimator.

For this problem, there are a few solutions.

  • Use Newton algorithm instead of L-BFGS algorithm. If L-BFGS is rejected, it automatically runs.

    • However, it also likely to achieve local minimum.
  • Use different random seed in sphere_estimater comamnd. It can be set by -ss option.

  • Use MCMC algorithm by -M sampling option.

