A monorepo including sveltekit-i18n message parsers. These parsers are ment be used together with @sveltekit-i18n/base, but can be used with other libraries as well – they don't require Svelte or SvelteKit.
– a default parser used by sveltekit-i18n library@sveltekit-i18n/parser-icu
– ICU message format parser
Every parser is a method consuming a config and returning an object containing parse
const customParser = (customParserConfig = {}) => ({
parse: () => '',
Parse method deals with interpolation of user payload and returns a string.
It consumes these parameters:
: any – translation value from definitions
: any[] – array of rest parameters given by user (e.g. payload variables etc...)
: string – locale of translated message
: string – this key is serialized path to translation (e.g., home.content.title
const parse = (value, params, locale, key) => {
const fallbackValue = `${key} (${locale})`;
return interpolate(value, ...params) || fallbackValue;
If you are facing issues with some parser, create a ticket here.