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# install nvm: https://github.com/creationix/nvm
$> nvm install 0.8
$> nvm use 0.8
$> curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sudo sh
$> sudo apt-get install redis-server
As an alternative to the above steps you can use vagrant. Make sure an up-to-date vagrant and chef-dk are installed and run the folowing commands:
$> vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
$> vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
Lastly, bring the box up and provision it:
$> vagrant up
$> git clone git@github.com:michaelkirk/weiqi.git && cd weiqi
$> npm install
$> sudo npm install supervisor -g
$> make server
To run the client specs, point your browser to: file://<project directory>/spec/jasmine/SpecRunner.html
$> make server &
To run the acceptance suite
Add heroku to your git remotes once
$> git remote add heroku git@heroku.com:evening-meadow-5281.git
To deploy, push your branch to heroku
$> git pull # make sure you're up to date
$> git push heroku