Your goal is to build a Proof Of Concept app that will collect weather data for Mars and Fairbanks, Alaska. The app should be able to do the following:
- run from the CLI,
- ingest both sources of data into a database, and
- export the data out of that database in a structured format that shows the daily max and min temperature for Mars and Fairbanks Alaska for the last 7 days.
For example, if you chose to export the data in JSON, it could look like this (not real data):
"date": "2020-01-01",
"min_mars_temp": -10,
"max_mars_temp": -1,
"min_fairbanks_temp": 12,
"max_fairbanks_temp": 17
"date": "2020-01-02",
"min_mars_temp": -17,
"max_mars_temp": -11,
"min_fairbanks_temp": 14,
"max_fairbanks_temp": 21
NASA’s Mars Insight Mission provides daily temperature readings from the surface of Mars.
- The data can be accessed via API here:
- Look at the documentation for InSight: Mars Weather Service API.
- Api_key =
- Api_key =
A snapshot of last 90+ days of data recordings have been provided in a file in this repo: fairbanks data.csv
A simple docker-compose
is provided for you in this repo that includes postgres. If you're not familiar with docker compose, here are a few quick commands to get you started
docker-compose up -d
- brings up the docker-compose environment and services (just postgres)docker-compose ps
- list of running services
Once the compose file is running, you should be able to connect locally. The postgres user password is
- Dev note: In certain Mac OS version, when you try to install the
module, it doesn't automatically installpsycopg-binary
module, which is apparently required now.