This plugin is aimed to extract KotlinJS JAR packages to Node node_modules folder to use them in JavaScript projects like React, Angular, etc.
Kotlin multiplatform uses JAR packages by default as a target build. It brings no problems is your project is targeted to the JVM platform. But as you want to build a joined backend-frontend system with a multiplatform module you get an anoying headacke with convertion of JavaScript JAR packages to the standard NodeJs packagins system.
There is a promising plugin Kotlin Frontend Plugin which is developed by Jetbrains to overcome the denoted problem. But it looks abandoned: there are no updates for couple monthes, several merge requests are waiting for acception for monthes, there are plenty unclosed issues and annoying bugs.
Such a situation motivated us to publish another gradle plugin for kotlin-based JS frameworks: kotlin-jar2npm-plugin. This plugin extracts the content of the KotlinJS JAR-packages to node_modules package repository and allows KotlinJS code available in all other JavaScript projects.
This plugin is build with the usage of Gradle Node plugin.
So, you can keep your own package.json
in the root of your KotlinJS project and use all the power of NodeJS
In build.gradle.kts
plugins {
id("com.crowdproj.plugins.jar2npm") version "3.0.1"
For an example see Sample multiplatform and multi-frontend Kotlin project especially Reactfront module.
- jar2npm 2.0.0: supported kotlin 1.3.x
- jar2npm 3.0.0: supported kotlin 1.4.x