Android Kotlin Fundamentals leads you through a series of codelabs that teach you the fundamentals of building Android apps in Kotlin. You'll also learn to use Android Jetpack components such as Room for databases, Work Manager for background processing, the new Navigation component, and more. To take this course, we recommend having some familiarity with the basics of the Kotlin programming language and at least two years of experience in an object-oriented programming language.
- 1.0 Install Android Studio
- 1.1 Get started
- 1.2 Basic app anatomy
- 1.3 Image resources and compatibility
- 1.4 Learn to help yourself
- 2.1 Linear layout using the Layout Editor
- 2.2 Add user interactivity
- 2.3 Constraint layout using the Layout Editor
- 2.4 Data-binding basics
- 3.1 Create a fragment
- 3.2 Define navigation paths
- 3.3 Start an external activity
- 4.1 Lifecycles and logging
- 4.2 Complex lifecycle situations
- 5.1 ViewModel and ViewModelProvider
- 5.2 LiveData and LiveData observers
- 5.3 DataBinding with ViewModel and LiveData
- 5.4 LiveData transformations
- 6.1 Create a Room database
- 6.2 Coroutines and Room
- 6.3 Record quality and button states
- 7.1 RecyclerView fundamentals
- 7.2 DiffUtil and data binding with RecyclerView
- 7.3 GridLayout with RecyclerView
- 7.4 Interacting with RecyclerView items
- 7.5 Headers in RecyclerView
- 8.1 Getting data from the internet
- 8.2 Loading and displaying images from the internet
- 8.3 Filtering and detail views with internet data
- 9.1 Repository
- 9.2 WorkManager
- 10.1 Styles and themes
- 10.2 Material Design, dimens, and colors
- 10.3 Design for everyone