POC and hands-on for deep understanding and usage of several AWS Serverless services, like- AWS Lambda, API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB, Step Functions, SAM, the Serverless Framework, CICD & more.
Serverless Computing
- Create Serverless APIs
- Create Lambda Functions
- Integrate Lambda with API Gateway
AWS Lambda
- Create Lambda Handlers
- Logging and Handling Errors
- Passing Params, Query Strings, Access Path
- Deploy Lambda Functions
- Serverless Image Resizing using Lambda and S3
- Lambda Versions, Alias
- Traffic shifting & Canary Deployment
- KMS Encrytion
- Set up Lambda DLQ using SQS, SNS
- Dynamic Lambda Handlers
- Control API Gateway access using IAM Roles, Policies, Resource Policies, Lambda Authorizers, Cognito User Pools
AWS API Gateway
- Testing API Gateway Endpoint
- Configure CORS and Pre-flight Requests
- Adding Request Validators
- Adding Body Mapping Templates
- API Testing
- API Gateway Models
- Logging & Monitoring
- Client SDK Generation
- API Documentation
- Creating & Passing API Keys & Usage Plans
- Stage Variables
AWS DynamoDB
- DynamoDB RCU, WCU
- Partitions and Indexes
- CRUD operations on DynamoDB
- DynamoDB using AWS SDK
- DynamoDB Streams
AWS Step Functions
- Creating State Machines (using ASL)
- Adding States in Step Functions
- Invoking State Machine with API Gateway, CloudWatch, SDK
- Image Processing Project - Using Step Functions, Lambda, DynamoDB, S3
- AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)
- Creating Lambda Functions, API Gateways, S3 Buckets using SAM Template
- Packaging and Deploying with SAM Template and CloudFormation
- Working with AWS SAM CLI
- Running Lambda Functions, API Gateways locally using SAM CLI
- Creating Serverless REST API using SAM
Development with Serverless Framework
- Creating Serverless Application using Serverless Framework
- Testing Lambda Functions Locally with Serverless Framework
- Deploying with Serverless Framework
- Creating APIs with Serverless Framework
- VPC Configuration for Lambda and API Gateway
- Serverless Plugins
- Accessing CloudWatch Logs using Serverless Framework
- AWS CodeCommit for Source Control
- Defining CodeBuild using buildspec.yml to Build and Test
- AWS CodePipeline for Continuous Delivery and Automation
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