Tourists will be able to book a package #68
Tourists will be able to add comments on a package that he/she has booked#69
Tour guide should not be able to book a package.#70
Tourist should not be able to see the "Add Package" button. #77
White space between the background image and about us section #74
Tourists can view booked packages on their profile-frontend #79
Tourists will be able to view their booked packages in their profile #73
Name of the user should update automatically if changed during editing the user profile#75
Frontend Cypress Tests #98
Tourists can provide feedback and recommendations about packages#8
update searchPackage to get package id in response.#81
Tourists should be able to book a package #72
Tourists will be able to view their booked packages in their profile #73
Tourists will be able to add comments on a package that he/she has booked#71
Tourists can view booked packages on their profile#78
The name of a user does not get updated in the registers table when the user edits his/her name#76
Backend Unit tests#97
Run the below commands to start the development server.
cd ../frontend
ng serve