Cordova plugin to retrieve referral content from Google play using Google Play Store's Install Referrer API(Android)
The plugin exposes the following method:
installReferrer.getReferrer(success, error);
success: success callback The response object will have the object which contains all the referrer details and some of the common attributes are following
. responseCode: response code(0/1/2) . clickTs: Referrer link click time stamp . installTs: Install time stamp . isInstantExperienceLaunched: whether instant app launched or not
error: error callback
By default if the plugin method is called then the response will be like following
{ "clickTs": "0", "installTs": "0", "isInstantExperienceLaunched": "false", "responseCode": "0", "utm_medium": "organic", "utm_source": "google-play" }
if the url is like following &referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle %26utm_medium%3Dcpc and its clicked in a device having playstore then the response will look like following
{ "clickTs": "<valid_ts>", "installTs": "<valid_ts>", "isInstantExperienceLaunched": "false", "responseCode": "0", "utm_medium": "cpc", "utm_source": "google" }
The plugin can be installed via Cordova-CLI and is publicly available on NPM.
Execute from the projects root folder:
$ npm i cordova-plugin-play-installreferrer
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-play-installreferrer
Or install a specific version:
$ npm i cordova-plugin-play-installreferrer@<latest_version>
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-play-installreferrer@<latest_version>
Or install the latest head version:
$ cordova plugin add
Or install from local source:
$ cordova plugin add <path> --nofetch --nosave --link