Welcome to Java SDK for Hyperledger project. The SDK helps facilitate Java applications to manage the lifecycle of Hyperledger channels (often referred to as chains) and user chaincode. The SDK also provides a means to execute user chaincode, query blocks and transactions on the chain, and monitor events on the chain.
THe SDK acts on behave of a particular User which is defined by the embedding application through the implementation
of the SDK's User
Note, the SDK does not provide a means of persistence for the application defined channels and user artifacts on the client. This is left for the embedding application to best manage.
The SDK also provides a client for Hyperledger's certificate authority. The SDK is however not dependent on this
particular implementation of a certificate authority. Other Certificate authority's maybe use by implementing the
SDK's Enrollment
This provides a summary of steps required to get you started with building and using the Java SDK. Please note that this is not the API documentation or a tutorial for the SDK, this will only help you familiarize to get started with the SDK if you are new in this domain.
The 1.0 sdk is currently under development and the API is still subject to change*. It is likely any code depending
on this 1.0 version preview
may need updating
with subsequent updates of the SDK.
- TCerts are not supported: JIRA FAB-1401
Hyperledger Fabric v1.0 is currently under active development and the very latest Hyperledger Fabric builds may not work with this sdk. You should use the following commit levels of the Hyperledger projects:
Project | Commit level | Date |
fabric | b2a2b3b11481438639bf27ed10b99e490dd23b8c | Apr 19 14:06:27 2017 +0000 |
fabric-ca | 09107e7ba6fef7134c949a8edd5d036f9832398b | Apr 23 16:45:07 2017 +0000 |
You can clone these projects by going to the Hyperledger repository.
As SDK developement continues, this file will be updated with compatible Hyperledger Fabric and Fabric-ca commit levels.
Once you have cloned fabric
and fabric-ca
, use the git reset --hard commitlevel
to set your repositories to the correct commit.
Do the following if you want to run the Fabric components ( peer, orderer, fabric-ca ) in Vagrant:
Follow the instructions here to setup the development environment.
Open the file
and verify that the followingconfig.vm.network
statements are set. If not, then add them:
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 7050, host: 7050 # fabric orderer service
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 7051, host: 7051 # fabric peer vp0 service
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 7053, host: 7053 # fabric peer event service
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 7054, host: 7054 # fabric-ca service
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 5984, host: 15984 # CouchDB service
### Below are probably missing.....
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 7056, host: 7056
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 7058, host: 7058
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 8051, host: 8051
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 8053, host: 8053
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 8054, host: 8054
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 8056, host: 8056
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 8058, host: 8058
Add to your Vagrant file a folder for referencing the sdkintegration folder
config.vm.synced_folder "..", "/opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric"
config.vm.synced_folder "/home/user/fabric-sdk-java/src/test/fixture/sdkintegration", "/opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/sdkintegration"
config.vm.synced_folder ENV.fetch('LOCALDEVDIR', ".."), "#{LOCALDEV}"
- Start the vagrant virtual machine
vagrant up
ssh into vagrant,
- go to $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric
- run
make docker
to create the docker images for peer and orderer - go to $GOPATH/src/github/hyperledger/fabric-ca
- run
make docker
to create the docker image for Fabric_ca
The fabric service creation may have created some files for testing that need to be removed.
- rm -rf /var/hyperledger/*
Start the needed fabric services in vagrant. In the vagrant system:
- _cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/sdkintegration
- docker-compose up -d --force-recreate
SDK depends on few third party libraries that must be included in your classpath when using the JAR file. To get a list of dependencies, refer to pom.xml file or run
mvn dependency:tree
or mvn dependency:list
Alternatively, mvn dependency:analyze-report
will produce a report in HTML format in target directory listing all the dependencies in a more readable format.
The SDK's test cases uses chaincode in the SDK's source tree: /src/test/fixture
The sdk jar is in target/fabric-sdk-java-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
and you will need the additional dependencies listed above.
When the SDK is published to Maven
you will be able to simply include it in a your application's pom.xml
To build this project, the following dependencies must be met
- JDK 1.8 or above
- Apache Maven
Once your JAVA_HOME points to your installation of JDK 1.8 (or above) and JAVA_HOME/bin and Apache maven are in your PATH, issue the following command to build the jar file:
mvn install
mvn install -DskipTests
if you don't want to run the unit tests
To run the unit tests, please use mvn test
or mvn install
which will run the unit tests and build the jar file.
You must be running a local peer and orderer to be able to run the unit tests.
You must be running local instances of Fabric-ca, Fabric peers and Fabric orderers to be able to run the integration tests. See above for running these services in Vagrant.
Use this maven
command to run the integration tests:
- mvn failsafe:integration-test -DskipITs=false
The src/test/java/org/hyperledger/fabric/sdkintegration/End2endIT.java integration test is an example of installing, instantiating, invoking and querying a chaincode.
It constructs the Hyperledger channel, deploys the GO
chain code, invokes the chaincode to do a transfer amount operation and queries the resulting blockchain world state.
This test is a reworked version of the Fabric e2e_cli example to demonstrate the features of the SDK. To better understand blockchain and Fabric concepts, we recommend you install and run the e2e_cli example.
The test defines one Fabric orderer and two organizations (peerOrg1, peerOrg2), each of which has 2 peers, one fabric-ca service.
For ease of assigning ports and mapping of artifacts to physical files, all peers, orderers and fabric-ca are run as Docker containers controlled via a docker-compose configuration file.
The files used by the end to end are:
- src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/e2e-2Orgs/channel (everything needed to bootstrap the orderer and create the channels)
- src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/e2e-2Orgs/crypto-config (as-is. Used by
to map the MSP directories) - src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/docker-compose.yaml
Fabric requires that each organization have private keys and certificates for use in signing and verifying messages going to and from clients, peers and orderers. Each organization groups these artifacts in an MSP (Membership Service Provider) with a unique MSPID .
Furthermore, each organization is assumed to generate these artifacts independently. The fabric-ca project is an example of such a certificate generation service.
Fabric also provides the cryptogen
tool to automatically generate all cryptographic artifacts needed for the end to end test.
The end to end test case artifacts are stored under in directory src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/e2e-2Org/crypto-config .
We need certificate and key for each of the Orderer and Peers for TLS connection. You can generate your certificate and key files with openssl command as follows:
- Set up your own Certificate Authority (CA) for issuing certificates
- For each of orderers and peers:
- generate a private key:
openssl genrsa 512 > key.pem
. - generate a certificate request (csr):
openssl req -new -days 365 -key key.pem -out csr.pem
, which will request your input for some information, where CN has to be the container's alias name (e.g. peer0, peer1, etc), all others can be left blank. - sign the csr with the CA private key to generate a certificate:
openssl ca -days 365 -in csr.pem -keyfile {CA's privatekey} -notext -out cert.pem
- put the resulting cert.pem and key.pem together with the CA's certificate (as the name cacert.pem) in the directory where the docker container can access.
- generate a private key:
The option -notext in the last openssl command in the above is important. Without the option, the resulting cert.pemmay not work for some Java implementation (e.g. IBM JDK). The certificates and keys for the end-to-end test case are stored in the directory src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/e2e-2Org/tls/.
Currently, the pom.xml is set to use netty-tcnative-boringssl for TLS connection to Orderer and Peers, however you can change the pom.xml (uncomment a few lines) to use an alternative TLS connection via ALPN.
Policies are described in the Fabric Endorsement Policies document. You create a policy using a Fabric tool ( an example is shown in JIRA issue FAB-2376) and give it to the SDK either as a file or a byte array. The SDK, in turn, will use the policy when it creates chaincode instantiation requests.
To input a policy to the SDK, use the ChaincodeEndorsementPolicy class.
For testing purposes, there are 2 policy files in the src/test/resources directory
- policyBitsAdmin ( which has policy AND(DEFAULT.admin) meaning 1 signature from the DEFAULT MSP admin' is required )
- policyBitsMember ( which has policy AND(DEFAULT.member) meaning 1 signature from a member of the DEFAULT MSP is required )
and one file in th src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/e2e-2Orgs/channel directory specifically for use in the end to end test scenario
- members_from_org1_or_2.policy ( which has policy OR(peerOrg1.member, peerOrg2.member) meaning 1 signature from a member of either organizations peerOrg1, PeerOrg2 is required)
Alternatively you can also use ChaincodeEndorsementPolicy class by giving it a YAML file that has the policy defined in it.
See examples of this in the End2endIT testcases that use src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/chaincodeendorsementpolicy.yaml
The file chaincodeendorsementpolicy.yaml has comments that help understand how to create these policies. The first section
lists all the signature identities you can use in the policy. Currently only ROLE types are supported.
The policy section is comprised of n-of
and signed-by
elements. Then n-of (1-of
) require that many (n
) in that
section to be true. The signed-by
references an identity in the identities section.
Channel configuration files and orderer bootstrap files ( see directory src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/e2e-2Orgs/channel ) are needed when creating a new channel.
This is created with the Hyperledger Fabric configtxgen
For End2endIT.java the commands are
- build/bin/configtxgen -outputCreateChannelTx foo.tx -profile TwoOrgs -channelID foo
- build/bin/configtxgen -outputCreateChannelTx bar.tx -profile TwoOrgs -channelID bar
- build/bin/configtxgen -outputBlock twoorgs.orderer.block -profile TwoOrgs
with the configtxgen config file src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/e2e-2Orgs/channel/configtx.yaml
If build/bin/configtxgen
tool is not present run make configtxgen
Before running the end to end test case:
- you may need to modify
to change all hostname and port definitions to match your server(s) hostname(s) and port(s). - you WILL have to modify
to have the MSPDir point to the correct path to the crypto-config directories. configtx.yaml
currently assumes that you are running in a Vagrant environment where the fabric, fabric-ca and fabric-sdk-java projects exist under the /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger directory.
Go lang chaincode dependencies must be contained in vendor folder. For an explanation of this see Vender folder explanation
#Basic Troubleshooting identity or token do not match
Keep in mind that you can perform the enrollment process with the membership services server only once, as the enrollmentSecret is a one-time-use password. If you have performed a FSUser registration/enrollment with the membership services and subsequently deleted the crypto tokens stored on the client side, the next time you try to enroll, errors similar to the ones below will be seen.
Error: identity or token do not match
Error: FSUser is already registered
To address this, remove any stored crypto material from the CA server by following the instructions here which typically involves deleting the /var/hyperledger/production directory and restarting the membership services. You will also need to remove any of the crypto tokens stored on the client side by deleting the KeyValStore . That KeyValStore is configurable and is set to ${FSUser.home}/test.properties within the unit tests.
When running the unit tests, you will always need to clean the membership services database, and delete the KeyValStore file, otherwise the unit tests will fail.
java.security.InvalidKeyException: Illegal key size
If you get this error, this means your JDK does not capable of handling unlimited strength crypto algorithms. To fix this issue, You will need to download the JCE libraries for your version of JDK. Please follow the instructions here to download and install the JCE for your version of the JDK.
#Communicating with developers and fellow users. Sign into Hyperledger project's Rocket chat For this you will also need a Linux Foundation ID
Join the fabric-sdk-java channel.
#Reporting Issues If your issue is with building Fabric development environment please discuss this on rocket.chat's #fabric-dev-env channel.
To report an issue please use: Hyperledger's JIRA. To login you will need a Linux Foundation ID (LFID) which you get at The Linux Foundation if you don't already have one.
JIRA Fields should be:
- Type
- Bug or New Feature
- Component
- fabric-sdk-java
- Fix Versions
- v1.0.0
Pleases provide as much information that you can with the issue you're experiencing: stack traces logs.