A realtime Node.js communication CLI created with the help of Pusher Channels for those who want to chat hacker-esque.
ATM chats are not stored in any kind of database
git clone
or download the zipnpm install
to install all dependencies- ATM my pusher account is authenticated with this CLI, so if you want yours, create a Pusher account and change the Instance Locator and Secret Key accordingly
- Run server in background with
node server.js
- To run CLI, run
node client.js
and connect to same chat room as recipient
- express Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node
- @pusher/chatkit-server The Node.js server SDK for Pusher Chatkit
- @pusher/chatkit The JavaScript client for Pusher Chatkit
- axios Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- prompt A beautiful command-line prompt for node.js