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a playground for xilinx zynq fpga experiments

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This is a collection of tools, scripts, verilog, etc, for experimenting
with the Xilinx Zynq SoC FPGA, particularly around using a commandline
workflow and avoiding the IPI (IP Integrator) workflow.

An earlier version that attempted to make use of IPI from the commandline
lives in the deprecated-ipi branch.

Warning:  This is very much a work in progress.

zybo-hdmi            - display a test pattern ZYBO board's HDMI output
zybo-hdmi-axi        - same, but add an axi slave to adjust the pattern
zybo-simple-io       - AXI access to the switches, buttons, and LEDs

Repository Layout
hdl/...              - verilog, systemverilog, and xdc sources
build/...            - makefiles and tcl scripts

Generated Files
sim/${name}-vsim/... - where Verilator intermediates are generated
sim/${name}-xsim/... - where Xilinx Xsim intermediates are generated
synth/${name}/...    - where Vivado synthesis intermediates are generated
out/...              - where FPGA final products (bitfiles/etc) end up
out/${name}.bit      - bitfile for project name

Build System Notes

1. Declare the name of the module and its sources (.v, .sv, .hex):

MODULE_NAME := ...  

2. invoke the appropriate build rules for the module type:

include build/
  - create Xilinx out/$(MODULE_NAME).bit bitfile 
  - target device MODULE_PART
  - required: a top level module named top
  - to build:  make modulename

include build/ 
  - create Verilator simulation target
  - required: a top level module named testbench(input clk)
  - provided: clock signal
  - to run:  make modulename-vsim

include build/ 
  - create Vivado Xsim simulation target
  - required: a top level module named testbench
  - to run:  make modulename-xsim

build/mkzynq.go      - Generates useful wrappers around Zynq PS7 macro

Customizing for your Install
build/ should point to Xilinx Vivado, Xilinx SDK, and Verilator.
The default setup assumes you installed the 2014.2 version of the Xilinx
tools under /work/xilinx/... and built verilator under /work/verilator/...

Building Verilator
You can replace /work with some other convenient directory if you like
(but be sure to update build/
0. install autoconf, bison, flex
1. cd /work
2. git clone
3. cd verilator
4. autoconf
5. ./configure
6. make -j32
7. you do not need to make install


a playground for xilinx zynq fpga experiments






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