These scripts help to back up, unpack, and re-pack For The King saves.
These scripts were created using WSL and are untested on an actual Linux setup.
- Install jq
- Install gzip and gunzip (you may have this already)
- Install iconv (you may have this already)
- Clone this repository. Copy all available saves from the destination folder into a backup folder and then unpack all backups into pure json.
./ -d /mnt/d/ftk-backups/ -- '/mnt/c/Users/example/AppData/LocalLow/IronOak Games/FTK/save/' Copy all available saves from the destination folder into a backup folder. Backups are renamed to include a timestamp of when the save was last modified.
./ -d /mnt/d/ftk-backups/backups -- '/mnt/c/Users/example/AppData/LocalLow/IronOak Games/FTK/save/' Copy an individual save into a backup folder.
./ -d /mnt/d/ftk-backups/backups -- '/mnt/c/Users/example/AppData/LocalLow/IronOak Games/FTK/save/' Unpack a FTK savefile into JSON that can be parsed by JQ.
./ -d /mnt/d/ftk-backups/unpack -- '/mnt/d/ftk-backups/backups/' Repack a FTK JSON file into a savefile that can be loaded in game.
./ -d /mnt/d/ftk-backups/repack -- '/mnt/d/ftk-backups/unpack/example_save.0221-01-02T00:55-08:00.json'
You do not need these scripts but they do make the process of editing saves much easier.
files are gzip compressed json files encoded in UTF-16LE. The gzip
compression does not include filenames and timestamps, so only has the 10
byte header and 8 byte footer.
gzip -1 --no-name $FN
is enough to recompress a save file.
This is a list of possible item codes. This list includes codes that are non-functional and may cause your game to not load or your inventory to be empty.
If you break your save restore a backup or undo the changes you made.