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Naming Conventions

dkoeni edited this page Sep 12, 2024 · 32 revisions

SFTI API Structure

Every SFTI common API specification contains at least the following objects in the defined order. ... indicates possible locations to extend the API specification. Each specification follows the provided structure:

openapi: Major.minor.bugfix
  version: Major.minor.bugfix
  title: string
  description: string or multiline string
    name: Apache 2.0
  - url: https://...
  description: Find out more about SFTI API specifications.

  - name: string
    description: string.
  - ...

  - OAuth2:
      - read
      - write
      - ...


  # Reusable schemas (data models)

  # Reusable path, query, header and cookie parameters

  # Security scheme definitions

  # Reusable responses, such as 400 Bad Request or 401 Unauthorized 

  # Reusable response headers

Files are named according to their purpose and ending in API.yaml. For example, the SFTI API concering acccounts is therefore named accountAPI.yaml.


This ruleset ensures compliance to the openAPI specification rules according to the used version within the SFTI API. To cover all rules we use the predefined rules provided by redocly.

Rules flagged with error must be adhered to. Rules flagged with warn should be followed as closely as possible.

Special rules

  • no-unresolved-refs: error
    Every $ref must exist
  • no-unused-components: warn
    All components must be used
  • security-defined: error
    Security rules must be defined, either globally or per-operation
  • spec: error
    Conform to the declared OpenAPI specification version
  • spec-components-invalid-map-name: error
    Use only alphanumeric and basic punctuation as key names in the components section
  • spec-strict-refs: error
    Restricts the usage of the $ref keyword.


  • info-contact: error
    Contact section is defined under info
  • info-license: error
    License section is defined under info
  • info-license-url: error
    License section contains a url to the license


  • operation-2xx-response: warn
    Every operation needs at least one 2xx response
  • operation-4xx-response: warn
    Every operation needs at least one 4xx response
  • operation-4xx-problem-details-rfc7807: error
    All 4xx responses use RFC7807 format
  • operation-description: warn
    Description field is required for every operation
  • operation-operationId: warn
    OperationId is required for every operation
  • operation-operationId-unique: error
    OperationId must be unique
  • operation-operationId-url-safe: error
    OperationIds can only contain characters that are safe to use in URLs
  • operation-summary: error
    Summary is required for every operation


  • no-invalid-parameter-examples: error
    Parameter examples must match declared schema types
  • operation-parameters-unique: error
    No repeated parameter names within an operation
  • parameter-description: warn
    Parameters must all have descriptions
  • path-declaration-must-exist: error
    Paths must define template variables where placeholders are needed
  • path-not-include-query: error
    No query parameters in path declarations (declare them as parameters with in: query)
  • path-parameters-defined: error
    Path template variables must be defined as parameters


  • no-ambiguous-paths: warn
    No path can match more than one PathItem entry, including template variables
  • no-http-verbs-in-paths: error
    Verbs like "get" cannot be used in paths
  • no-identical-paths: error
    Paths cannot be identical, including template variables
  • no-path-trailing-slash: error
    No trailing slashes on paths
  • path-segment-plural: error
    All URL segments in a path must be plural (exceptions can be configured)
  • paths-kebab-case: error
    Paths must be in kebab-case format

Requests, Responses, and Schemas

  • no-enum-type-mismatch: error
    Enum options must match the data type declared in the schema
  • no-example-value-and-externalValue: error
    Either the value or externalValue may be present, but not both
  • no-invalid-media-type-examples: error
    Example request bodies must match the declared schema
  • no-invalid-schema-examples: error
    Schema examples must match declared types
  • request-mime-type: warn
    Configure allowed mime types for requests
  • response-mime-type: warn
    Configure allowed mime types for responses
  • scalar-property-missing-example: error
    All required scalar (non-object) properties must have examples defined


  • no-empty-servers: error
    Servers array must be defined
  • warn is not acceptable as a server URL
  • no-server-trailing-slash: error
    Server URLs cannot end with a slash (paths usually start with a slash)
  • no-server-variables-empty-enum: error
    Require that enum values are set if variables are used in server definition
  • no-undefined-server-variable: error
    All variables in server definition must be defined


  • operation-singular-tag: error
    Each operation may only have one tag
  • operation-tag-defined: error
    Tags can only be used if they are defined at the top level
  • tag-description: warn
    Tags must have descriptions
  • tags-alphabetical: off
    Tags in the top-level tags section must appear alphabetically


The SFTI ruleset ensures further alignment of SFTI specifications and enforces SFTI specific patterns in API specifications. Rules are aligned with best practices of ISO23029:2020. All rules are defined in the .github/redocly folder and applied within the redocly config file.

Please pay special attention to the ** rules because these rules are not technically enforced and must therefore be adhered to by the contributors. Rules flagged with error must be adhered to. Rules flagged with warn should be followed as closely as possible.

ISO 23029:2020: Web-service-based application programming interface (WAPI) in financial services

6 Naming conventions
  • http-header: *
    Fields should be written in Train-Case (e.g Accept-Encoding)
    Acronyms should be written in capital letters (e.g JSON) **
  • query-parameter: *
    Parameters in a query are written in snake_case (e.g data?user_id=12)
  • request-body-keys: **
    Keys in a request body are written in snake_case (e.g {"user_id": 123})
  • data-types: error
    Datatypes (i.e. schemas) named in UpperCamelCase (e.g CountryCode)
7 Resource path
  • resource-type: *
    Names for resource types in plural (e.g users not user)
  • resource-id: **
    Every resource is uniquely identified (e.g users/123)
8 WAPI styles
  • composition-of-uri: **
    URI must follow the composition: https://{host}/{service}/{version}/{resource_path}?{parameters}
  • attributes-and-search-criteria: **
    Put resource attributes and search criteria behind the ‘?’ (e.g ssis?currency=USD)
  • specifying-multiple-allowed-values-for-an-attribute: **
    Use a comma separated list of values after the attribute’s name (e.g country=Belgium,Germany)
  • modeling-OR-&-AND-filters: **
    Use & to indicate AND (e.g limit=25&offset=50) Use | to indicate OR (e.g category=electronics|clothing) Use the dot notation for subfields (e.g
  • http-response-codes: *
    HTTP status code 2xx when success HTTP status code 4xx or 5xx when failure, body with error element For more details on
  • 4xx-response: *
    Media type application/problem+json as specified in RFC7807
    status: HTTP status code RFC7231 type: URI reference that identifies the type of problem
    title: Summary of problem type
    detail: Statement specific to this occurrence of the problem
    instance: URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem
  • pagination-request: **
    limit to set the maximum number of objects to be returned, offset to specify the starting object of the page (e.g orders?limit=25&offset=50)
  • pagination-answers: **
    Page header in the response body
    total count: Total number of objects available
    offset: Starting object of the page
    count: Number of object as specified in the limit
  • news-subscription: **
    User agent and push service communicate via predefined JSON objects
    type: Operation of the push service
    topic: Topic of the push subscription


Structure, Order and Required Objects
  • root-object-order: error
    All objects are defined according to SFTI API structure
    All object are ordered according to SFTI API structure
  • openapi-version: error
    Use openAPI version defined in redocly config file
  • info-content: error
    Version must follow Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 schema (M.m.b)
    License must be Apache 2.0 and referenced by url
  • externaldocs: error
    externalDocs description and url must be defined
    For SFTI Specs: externalDocs description must be: Find out more about SFTI API specifications. URL must be **
  • component-order: error
    Components are ordered according to SFTI API structure: schemas, parameters, securitySchemes, responses, headers
  • parameter-name-order: error
    Parameters are ordered by their type: in: path -> query -> header -> cookie
  • parameter-object-order: error
    Parameters contain values in the following order: in -> name -> required (optional) -> schema -> description -> other values (optional)
  • use-ref-when-used-multiple-times: warn **
    Objects used multiple times within the same SFTI specification should defined as references
  • info-description: error
    Info object must have a description field
    Description must end with a full stop
  • tag-description: error
    Every tag object must have a description field
    Description must end with a full stop
  • parameter-description: error
    Every parameter object must have a description field
    Description must end with a full stop
  • schema-description: error
    Every schema and property object must have a description field
    Description must end with a full stop
  • path-parameter: error
    Path parameter name must be in camelCase format
    Path parameter name must end with 'Id'
    Path parameter reference must be named after path_ + parameter name
    Path parameter must be present in endpoint path **
  • header-parameter: error
    Header parameter name must be in Train-Case format
    According to RFC 6648 custom header parameter name should not start with a specific pattern, like the widely used 'X-' prefix **
    Header parameter reference must be in snake_case format
    Header parameter reference must end with '_in_header'
    Optional header parameter reference must start with 'optional_'
  • query-parameter: error
    Query parameter name must be in snake_case format
    Query parameter reference must be in snake_case format

* already enforced by redocly predefined or SFTI rules
** not technically enforced

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