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Version 1.3 May 6, 2016

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@sy2002 sy2002 released this 06 May 13:18
· 743 commits to master since this release
  • CPU: Significant speed improvement by removing old tristate driver:
    Evolution can be seen in mandel_perf_test.asm, which is now ~32% faster.
    Q-TRIS was even ~56% faster (now adjusted back to normal speed).
  • CPU: Fixed a bug that prevented things like CMP 0x00AA, 0x00FF or things
    like OR @r0++, @r0, i.e. situations, where both operands perform an
    indirect access, where the source and destination operands are identical
    and where the source operand is post-incremented.
  • ALU: Fixed CMP opcode behaviour: using the N flag it now treats the
    operands as unsigned and using the V flag it treats them as signed.
  • ALU: Fixed V flag CPU bug (AND, OR, XOR)
  • CYCLE COUNTER: Added. Counts clock cycles. Can be used for performance
    testing, as shown in test_programs/mandel_perf_test.asm.
  • DEBUG MODE: If switch #2 is ON, then the LEDs are showing the current
    address bus value in real-time and on HALT the TIL shows the address
    of the executed HALT command.
  • ASSEMBLER: Is able to handle labels on separate lines, improved error
    handling, CMP allows a constant as second operand.
  • EMULATOR: Fixed CMP opcode behaviour (see above), fixed similar CPU bug
    as described above. Outputs address of HALT instruction. Also emulates
    the new cycle counter (register compatible), but instead of counting
    clock cycles, it is counting instructions.
  • DOCUMENTATION: Added a programming card.