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MEGA65 models

sy2002 edited this page Jan 15, 2024 · 1 revision

There are different MEGA65 models out there in the wild, so make sure you choose the right core variant for your hardware.


If your MEGA65 was manufactured before 2024, then choose zxuno-v1.2-r3.cor otherwise choose zxuno-v1.2-r6.cor.


We are supporting these MEGA65 models: R3/R3A, R4, R5 and R6. Use the following table to ensure that you select and flash the correct .cor from the ZIP file.

MEGA65 model Years File name Comment
R2 2019-2020 r2zxu08.cor R2 is a very rare pre-series model, only 20 of them were built. We are not supporting the R2 any more, but you can still use Version 0.8 of the ZX-Uno core on R2:
R3/R3A 2020-2023 zxuno-v1.2-r3.cor R3 is the "DevKit" (100 were built) and R3A are batches 1 and 2. If your MEGA65 was manufactured before 2024 then you have an R3 or R3A machine.
R4 2023 zxuno-v1.2-r4.cor Development board on our way to the R6. Only 10 of them were manufactured (board only, no complete machines).
R5 2023 zxuno-v1.2-r5.cor Upgraded version of R4 that contains new circuits for the expansion port. Only 10 of them were manufactured (board only, no complete machines).
R6 2024+ zxuno-v1.2-r6.cor Latest and greatest MEGA65. Manufactured from 2024 on.

Only use *.bit files if you know what you are doing.

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