Contains the following libraries and executables:
│ name: TestReasonmlPostgres.exe
│ require: reasonml-postgres/library
│ name: IntegrationReasonmlPostgres.exe
│ require: reasonml-postgres/library
│ library name: reasonml-postgres/library
│ require:
name: ReasonmlPostgresApp.exe
require: reasonml-postgres/library
npm install -g esy@next
git clone <this-repo>
esy install
esy build
brew install postgres
Also make sure you disable esy sandboxing
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev libssl-dev pkg-config
Operation not permitted mkdir ... .graphql_ppx_cache/
Temporarily add this to the esy section of your package.json.
"esy": {
"buildsInSource": "unsafe"
After building the project, you can run the main binary that is produced.
esy start
# Runs the "test" command in `package.json`.
esy test
esy dune utop library
#require "rtop";;
open Library;
#show Schema;
kubectl create secret generic postgres --from-literal=db-connection='YOUR_DB_CONNECTION'