documentation Mobile Development for Bangkit Capstone Project 2024 batch 6
- Muhamad Farhan A177D4KY4071
- Rafilah Aulia A387DKX4359
documentation Crealth
- Splash Screen
When launching the app, a visually appealing splash screen is displayed, displaying the Crealth logo. - Register
Users can create a new account by entering their desired username, email address and password. - Enter
Registered users can log in to their account using their user email and password. The sign-in process includes authentication to verify the user's credentials. - House
The home screen functions as the main hub of the application, and has access to forums, articles and profiles via bottom navigation and also gives access to our main feature, Chatbot. - Chat Bot
Users can choose what symptoms they feel then press the submit button, and the results will be displayed. - Forums
Provides 2 tabs for posting public user posts and for creating these posts. - Article
Displays articles about up-to-date health news and can be viewed directly in detail. - Profile
The profile feature allows users to view their account information. And provide a button to exit. - Go out
The logout feature allows users to safely log out of their accounts and restrict access to stored data.
- Internet
This application requires access to the internet to communicate with the server and retrieve data for various features, such as user authentication and chatbot features.
- Kotlin
- RecyclerView
- Retrofit2
- GSON Converter
- OkHttp3
- Lifecycle
- Live Data
- View Model
- Navigation Component
- Glide
- Datastore
- Coroutine
- ViewPager2
- Room
- Paging
- Android Studio
- Target device (Android device or emulator) with minimum android version of 10(Q) or higher
Download or Clone this project to your computer
Repository Link :
On the github repository page, click on the “Code” button and select “Download ZIP” and extract the downloaded zip file to your computer
Clone the repository :
git clone
Open the project in android studio
Run the application
Before running the application, Make sure that you have either connected your android device to your computer or set up an emulator as a target to run the application. Click on the “Run” button (green triangle) in the android studio’s toolbar to run the application. Now the application has been installed on the selected device or emulator