This is my 7th time to install almost the same set of tools and click through the configurations on a work laptop. Frankly, I had enough.
- Enough of installing stuff, having opened 3 laptops.
- Enough of keeping settings in sync whenever my config evolves on one of my concurrent 3 work-laptops.
- Enough of spending time on my mother's/dad's/< insert random relative here >'s machine's random state whenever I need to troubleshoot it.
Even if I have been documenting every config for the past 10 yeears in my notes.
I know, this will take 3 to 5 years in total to touch the Big 3.
I am too lazy to go back to the old days (and I don't have the time or device).
- When I spent 8 hours a day in ssh screens with vim.
- Or the time when I was fighting a macbook for more than a year.
As of this writing (late 2022) I am using Windows and WSL, so the repo will resemble this.
So I am automating the hell out of my config. For myself. But feel free to use this if you want.
I have Software Engineering and DevOps background, the latter with a lot of exposure to
- Python, Powershell, Bash
- Puppet, Chocolatey, Ansible, Terraform, Docker
- Ini, json, yaml
- IntelliJ, Visual Studio Code, Vim
Scripted/compiled/configured software and tooling on Windows, Linux, even Mac.
This exposure will show on my structure and the technologies applied.
- Even if I want to treat it as a cattle, it is still a pet. Sometimes there are parts that need to be left alone, so immutability is a no-no.
- It is also not enough to just put all your config files, GPOs, registries, heck, even tool binaries into version control or
some storage provider so you sync it everywhere.
- Some of these will be user/domain/environment specific.
- Some update will bring in/remove new/old settings, that you will want to make use of.
- For me, tjhis approach would be dirty, and not elegant enough.
- I have to work with managed corporate workstations/laptops where although I have admin right, but cannot ditch all their managed config.
- My mantra is (taken from Zolaly): take as many defaults as possible, don't fight the stream too much, configure 15%.
- I do have my quirks, where I really need my way all the way till death. But I keep these to a minimum.
- I try to play nice with the ecosystem, always considering what is the most maintainable solution.
- Idempotence
- Additive config instead of replacing
- State needs to be picked up dynamically
- Modularity, Single Responsibility Principle
- Dependencies as Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), where
- each node makes sense to grab and start
- each node lists all of their dependencies
- Should not matter where you
- Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY)
- Least amount of copy-pasting boilerplate, supporting code (e.g. dot-sourcing)
- No amount of copy-pasting business-critical code/data (in this case config)
- Secure credentials at rest: no plaintext passwords
- Generalizing
- Although I will compromise somewhat on that in this case, as this repo represents how I organize my setup
Unzip to somewhere (e.g. in your userfolder)
Copy local_config/UserConfig.template.psd1 to
, edit it, remove theDraft
entry. -
Start powershell 5 as Administrator
Prepare your environment running windows/OneTimeDscPrepare.ps1
Between runs you can avoid multiple prompts for credential via dotsourcing the variable into your scope:
. .\helpers\UserCredential.ps1
DSC generates mof files, containing only encrypted credentials. You can cleanup the certificate after configuration running windows/DscCleanupCert.ps1
The following might be needed even if we only do everything only locally:
PS > Set-WsManQuickConfig -Force
See windows/OneTimeDscPrepare.ps1
They have removed DSC from 7.2:
The lowest installable version is 2.0.5 from the gallery.
Anyways, I tried with 7.2 as admin, it partially worked, but not any more once started to use cChoco.
With version 5 all stuff works.
We cannot even uninstall Powershell 5.1 as it relies on .NET framework, with parts not opensourced, whereas Powershell 7.2 is relying on .NET core.
Read more here:
PS > Get-DscResource
ImplementedAs Name ModuleName Version Properties
------------- ---- ---------- ------- ----------
Binary File {DestinationPath, Attributes, Checksum, Content...
Binary SignatureValidation {SignedItemType, TrustedStorePath}
PowerShell cChocoConfig cChoco {ConfigName, DependsOn, Ensure, PsDscRunAsCrede...
PowerShell cChocoFeature cChoco {FeatureName, DependsOn, Ensure, PsDscRunAsCred...
PowerShell cChocoInstaller cChoco {InstallDir, ChocoInstallScriptUrl, DependsOn, ...
PowerShell cChocoPackageInstaller cChoco {Name, AutoUpgrade, chocoParams, DependsOn...}
Composite cChocoPackageInstallerSet cChoco {DependsOn, PsDscRunAsCredential, Name, Ensure...}
PowerShell cChocoSource cChoco {Name, Credentials, DependsOn, Ensure...}
PowerShell IniSettingsFile FileContentDsc {Key, Path, Section, DependsOn...}
PowerShell KeyValuePairFile FileContentDsc {Name, Path, DependsOn, Encoding...}
PowerShell ReplaceText FileContentDsc {Path, Search, AllowAppend, DependsOn...}
PowerShell PackageManagement PackageManagement {Name, AdditionalParameters, DependsOn, Ensure...}
PowerShell PackageManagementSource PackageManagement {Name, ProviderName, SourceUri, DependsOn...}
PowerShell Archive PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {Destination, Path, Checksum, Credential...}
PowerShell Environment PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {Name, DependsOn, Ensure, Path...}
PowerShell Group PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {GroupName, Credential, DependsOn, Description...}
Composite GroupSet PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {DependsOn, PsDscRunAsCredential, GroupName, En...
Binary Log PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {Message, DependsOn, PsDscRunAsCredential}
PowerShell Package PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {Name, Path, ProductId, Arguments...}
Composite ProcessSet PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {DependsOn, PsDscRunAsCredential, Path, Credent...
PowerShell Registry PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {Key, ValueName, DependsOn, Ensure...}
PowerShell Script PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {GetScript, SetScript, TestScript, Credential...}
PowerShell Service PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {Name, BuiltInAccount, Credential, Dependencies...
Composite ServiceSet PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {DependsOn, PsDscRunAsCredential, Name, Startup...
PowerShell User PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {UserName, DependsOn, Description, Disabled...}
PowerShell WaitForAll PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {NodeName, ResourceName, DependsOn, PsDscRunAsC...
PowerShell WaitForAny PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {NodeName, ResourceName, DependsOn, PsDscRunAsC...
PowerShell WaitForSome PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {NodeCount, NodeName, ResourceName, DependsOn...}
PowerShell WindowsFeature PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {Name, Credential, DependsOn, Ensure...}
Composite WindowsFeatureSet PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {DependsOn, PsDscRunAsCredential, Name, Ensure...}
PowerShell WindowsOptionalFeature PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {Name, DependsOn, Ensure, LogLevel...}
Composite WindowsOptionalFeatureSet PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {DependsOn, PsDscRunAsCredential, Name, Ensure...}
PowerShell WindowsPackageCab PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {Ensure, Name, SourcePath, DependsOn...}
PowerShell WindowsProcess PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 {Arguments, Path, Credential, DependsOn...}
> Get-DscResource -Name File | Select -ExpandProperty Properties
Name PropertyType IsMandatory Values
---- ------------ ----------- ------
DestinationPath [string] True {}
Attributes [string[]] False {Archive, Hidden, ReadOnly, System}
Checksum [string] False {CreatedDate, ModifiedDate, SHA-1, SHA-256...}
Contents [string] False {}
Credential [PSCredential] False {}
DependsOn [string[]] False {}
Ensure [string] False {Absent, Present}
Force [bool] False {}
MatchSource [bool] False {}
PsDscRunAsCredential [PSCredential] False {}
Recurse [bool] False {}
SourcePath [string] False {}
Type [string] False {Directory, File}
It is not possible to pass an external variable to Script. Before executing every Test/Set function the LCM resets the state of the Runspace - i.e all variables are cleared. Therefore if you want to pass information, the best way is to write to a file and read from it.
From the docs:
- DSC configuration resources run as Local System by default. However, some resources need a credential, for example when the Package resource needs to install software under a specific user account.
- Earlier resources used a hard-coded
property name to handle this. WMF 5.0 added an automaticPsDscRunAsCredential
property for all resources. Newer resources and custom resources can use this automatic property instead of creating their own property for credentials.
PS > Get-DscResource -Name cChocopackageInstaller -Syntax
cChocoPackageInstaller [String] #ResourceName
Name = [string]
[AutoUpgrade = [bool]]
[chocoParams = [string]]
[DependsOn = [string[]]]
[Ensure = [string]{ Absent | Present }]
[MinimumVersion = [string]]
[Params = [string]]
[PsDscRunAsCredential = [PSCredential]]
[Source = [string]]
[Version = [string]]
PS > Get-DscResource -Name Script -Syntax
Script [String] #ResourceName
GetScript = [string]
SetScript = [string]
TestScript = [string]
[Credential = [PSCredential]]
[DependsOn = [string[]]]
[PsDscRunAsCredential = [PSCredential]]
A DSC Configuration's Script output would make it fail.
| Out-Null
was not enoguh to suppress all output, this is what worked for me:
command *> $null
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
throw "Exited with $LASTEXITCODE"
- PendingReboot
- PowerPlan
- ScheduledTask:
- RemoteDesktopAdmin
- PowerShellExecutionPolicy
- SystemLocale
- WindowsCapability
- xRemoteFile
Install-Module -Name cChoco
configuration BaseMachineConfig
Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration
Import-DscResource -ModuleName cChoco
Node "localhost"
cChocoInstaller InstallChoco
InstallDir = "c:\ProgramData\chocolatey"
cChocoPackageInstaller InstallVsCode
Name = "vscode"
DependsOn = "[cChocoInstaller]InstallChoco"
cChocoPackageInstaller InstallGit
Name = "git"
DependsOn = "[cChocoInstaller]InstallChoco"
# or
cChocoPackageInstallerSet InstallSomeStuff
Ensure = 'Present'
Name = @(
DependsOn = "[cChocoInstaller]installChoco"
Install-Module -Name FileContentDsc -Force
Configuration IniSettingsFile_SetPlainTextEntry_Config
Import-DSCResource -ModuleName FileContentDsc
Node localhost
IniSettingsFile SetLogging
Path = 'c:\myapp\myapp.ini'
Section = 'Logging'
Key = 'Level'
Text = 'Information'
Install-Module -Name DSCR_FileContent -Force
Configuration Example1 {
Import-DscResource -ModuleName DSCR_FileContent
JsonFile String {
Path = 'C:\Test.json'
Key = 'StringValue'
Value = '"Apple"'
JsonFile Bool {
Path = 'C:\Test.json'
Key = 'BoolValue'
Value = 'true'
JsonFile Array {
Path = 'C:\Test.json'
Key = "ArrayValue"
Value = '[true, 123, "banana"]'
Configuration Example2 {
Import-DscResource -ModuleName DSCR_FileContent
JsonFile Dictionary {
Path = 'C:\Test2.json'
Key = 'KeyA'
Value = '{"Ame":false,"Gura":true}'
JsonFile SubDictionary {
Path = 'C:\Test2.json'
Key = 'KeyB/SubKeyB'
Value = 'Ina'
#If the key name contains a slash, please escape it with a backslash
JsonFile SubDictionaryWithSlash {
Path = 'C:\Test2.json'
Key = 'KeyB/Sub\/\/Key'
Value = 'Kiara'
Install-Module powershell-yaml
Get-Content .\tools\windows\auto_dark_mode\config.yaml | ConvertFrom-Yaml | ConvertTo-Yaml | Out-File "test.yaml"
Note: don't install with powershell-yaml together at the same time.
Install-Package: The following commands are already available on this system:'ConvertTo-Yaml'. This module 'PSYamlQuery' may override the existing commands. If you still want to install this module
use -AllowClobber parameter.
choco install yq -y
Install-Module -Name PSYamlQuery
Look out!
- To merge lists, use the
switch. - Merging will leave keys having value in place. So if you want to override, put your config first, then merge the target.
a: simple
b: [1, 2]
d: hi
a: something
b: [3, 4]
test: 2
other: true
Merge-Yaml override.yml target.yml -Append
a: simple
b: [1, 2, 3, 4]
d: hi
test: 2
other: true
PS > Import-Yaml .\tools\windows\auto_dark_mode\config.yaml
AppsSwitch : @{Component=; Enabled=True}
AutoThemeSwitchingEnabled : True
Autostart : @{Validate=True}
ColorFilterSwitch : @{Component=; Enabled=False}
Events : @{DarkThemeOnBattery=False; SystemResumeTrigger=True}
GPUMonitoring : @{Enabled=False; MonitorTimeSpanMin=1; Samples=1; Threshold=30}
Hotkeys : @{Enabled=False; ForceDarkHotkey=; ForceLightHotkey=; NoForceHotkey=}
Location : @{CustomLat=47.285561; CustomLon=7.94759; Enabled=True; PollingCooldownTimeSpan=1.00:00:00; SunriseOffsetMin=120; SunsetOffsetMin=-80; UseGeolocatorService=False}
OfficeSwitch : @{Component=; Enabled=True}
Sunrise : 11.10.2021 07:00:00
Sunset : 11.10.2021 20:00:00
SystemSwitch : @{Component=; Enabled=True}
Tunable : @{BatterySliderDefaultValue=25; Debug=False; DebugTimerMessage=False; DisableEnergySaverOnThemeSwitch=False; ShowTrayIcon=True; UICulture=en; UseLogonTask=False}
Updater : @{AutoInstall=False; CheckOnStart=False; DaysBetweenUpdateCheck=7; DownloadBaseUrl=; Enabled=True; HashCustomUrl=; Silent=False; VersionQueryUrl=; ZipCustomUrl=}
WallpaperSwitch : @{Component=; Enabled=False}
WindowsThemeMode : @{DarkThemePath=; Enabled=False; LightThemePath=; MonitorActiveTheme=False}
PS > Import-Yaml .\tools\windows\auto_dark_mode\config.yaml AutoThemeSwitchingEnabled
PS > Import-Yaml .\tools\windows\auto_dark_mode\config.yaml SystemSwitch | ConvertTo-Yaml
Mode: Switch
TaskbarColorOnAdaptive: false
TaskbarColorWhenNonAdaptive: Light
TaskbarSwitchDelay: 1200
Enabled: true
Sometimes your corporate environment just won't let random connections go outbound, you have to use your credentials to download stuff.
Script InstallPoetry
PsDscRunAsCredential = $UserCredential
GetScript = {
#Do Nothing
SetScript = {
$proxyCredential = $using:UserCredentialAtAd
$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$webClient.Proxy.Credentials = $proxyCredential.GetNetworkCredential()
$webClient.DownloadString("") | python | Out-File $using:outputFile -Encoding ASCII -Append
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
throw "Exited with $LASTEXITCODE"
TestScript = {