Just click on the button above and you will be in a Gitpod workspace with k3s running.
Based on fntlnz/gitpod-k3s, this version is using a pre-baked workspace image, which has QEMU installed and the VM's root filesystem image pre-created, resulting in much faster initial workspace initialization.
Note: I do not plan to keep this workspace image up-to-date with gitpod/workspace-full. You can build and push your own after checking this repository out:
$ docker build -f Dockerfile.k3s -t <your_registry>/gitpod-k3s-qemu:latest .
$ docker login <your_registry>
$ docker push -a <your_registry>/gitpod-k3s-qemu
You can copy the .gitpod.yml
to your own project to have the k3s environment ready in there.
Here's a diagram of the interactions that also shows how the various components interact with each other.
At start, the workspace will start a VM in your gitpod workspace and
automatically install K3S on it on the first workspace start-up. Your local environment will be auto-configured to access it with kubectl
When you open your workspace terminal, kubectl
is already configured to use
the kubeconfig located at /workspace/.kubeconfig
The Kubernetes API is reachable on localhost:6443.
You can connect to the VM via ssh at any moment. The ssh daemon
is exposed on
for the workspace on port 2222
- username: root
- password: root
ssh -p 2222 root@
You can use the /opt/qemu-k3s/{ssh.sh, scp.sh}
scripts to run commands or copy files to/from the VM.