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Dotfiles managed by chezmoi and pass.
Work only on few distro linux including Gentoo, Archlinux, Void and Debian. It should not work on distro variant...

Why i switch on chezmoi?

  • Even with GNU/Stow, i have to modify a lot of files each time i install/reinstall a new system, i start hating this !
  • Template are great.
  • Possibility of encrypt files.
  • Install and updates are easy.

Table of contents


Lines Focus Miami


name WTF Notes
alsa Audio Driver Can be change in the config file if you prefer pulseaudio
awesome Window Manager Configs recreate from scratch
brave, firefox Web Browser Brave with alsa, Firefox with pulseaudio (except for Voidlinux)
feh Image Viewer
betterlockscreen Lock Screen
lightdm Display Manager (lightdm-gtk-greeter)
mpd Music Player Daemon With ncmpcpp, mpc
mpv Video Player
neomutt Email Reader with isync, customized from sheoak
picom Compositor Replacement for compton
maim Screen Capture
tmux Terminal multiplexer
vifm File Manager With image preview, customized from sdushantha
vim, emacs Editors I use the both
weechat IRC client
xst Terminal
zathura PDF/Epub viewer
zsh Shell Plugins: oh-my-zsh and more...


You need to install chezmoi with sudo or doas and additionnal packages (git vim).
With Gentoo:

# emerge -av sudo vim dev-vcs/git
$ curl -fsLS | sh

With Archlinux:

# pacman -S chezmoi sudo vim git

With Debian:

# apt-get install curl sudo vim git
$ curl -fsLS | sh

For Voidlinux:

# xbps-install -S chezmoi sudo git

Configure sudo or doas, your user should have permission to install packages:

# EDITOR="vim" visudo
<username> ALL=(ALL) ALL

If you have create your first user recently (via: useradd -m -s /bin/bash <username>), logout and back to initialize his environment correctly.


Only 4 little steps here

Clone this repo

$ chezmoi init

To test the ansible branch, (also look the branch for additionnal instructions)

$ chezmoi init --guess-repo-url=false --branch=ansible


Edit the config file with your favorite text editor.

$ EDITOR="vim" chezmoi edit-config

You can change for example in [data]:

  sound = "pulseaudio"

It will install firefox rather than brave-bin and modify a lot of things during the install.


apply will install all the dependencies and add files to your $HOME.

$ chezmoi apply

If /tmp is protected with noexec, you need to tell chezmoi to use another dir #1929

$ mkdir $HOME/tmp
$ TMPDIR=$HOME/tmp chezmoi apply


From time to time, start the update simply with:

$ chezmoi diff
$ chezmoi update

Doom Emacs

After the first install, if you need-want to use doomemacs, you have to finish the installation with a single command:

$ doom sync
$ emacs

Final settings

If you have not yet configure X, change the keyboard layout like this:

$ localectl list-x11-keymap-layouts | grep fr
$ sudo localectl set-x11-keymap fr

For emacs, when the installation is terminated, you have to manually install the package all-the-icons like this, start emacs and:

M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts

Left Over


For any questions, comments, feedback or issues, submit a new issue.


Any support are greatly appreciated, star the repo, offer me a coffee... thanks you!
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