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RedRock is a combination of Redis and RocksDB.
Redis is a wonderful NoSQL based on memory. But memory costs more than disk. We hope something,
- Same fast and strong as Redis
- Extend to disk (HDD or SSD)
As SSD is becoming cheaper and has good performance, it is why I, enigneer Stone, code RedRock.
I wish one stone to hit two birds.
NOTE: I only code the project for a couple of months and only use my off-busy-work time. It is not as mature as a project for ten years. Wish you use it more and leave feedbacks at Github. Thank you.
RedRock stores all Redis keys in memory, and can store ONLY the keys.
If memory is not enough for holding all key/values, RedRock will save some values to disk and later retrieve the values from the disk if clients need them. Usually the size of value is bigger than key. If value size is 100 times than key, the dataset can be 100 times than the limit of memory. If more key/values are coming over the 100 times limit, RedRock will evict some keys totally by LRU/LFU.
For the performance, if most requests visit key/value in memory, RedRock is same as Redis, usually hundreds kilo qps with 99% latnecy of sub 1ms for one machine. If more visits are coming to the keys which values are in disk, the performance can degrade rapidlly. You can check the benchmark for different patterns.
So the best user case for RedRock is hot key/value fitting in memory with a huge warm/cold values in disk. This way, we achieve the performance of latency similar to Redis and much-over-meomroy-size-limit dataset like traditional DB.
RedRock uses the Redis persistent ways like AOF/RDB. Because the dataset would be much bigger than memory, you need some advice for the persistency.
- Pure Redis. When no enable disk, RedRock is running almost the same codes as Redis
- Use Redis Protocol, so no need to adjust one line of your client codes or config files
- Keep all keys in memory but only hot key's value in memory with most other values in disk
- Your dataset volume can be one hundred times of your memory
- Support all Redis commands except module's commands
- Support expire and eviction, you can use it as Cache
- Support all Redis data structures, including String,List,Set,Hash,SortedSet,Stream,HyperLogLog,Geo
- Support persistence, including RDB and AOF, in fork() child process or main thread
- Can config maximum memory
- Policy for dumping value to disk supports LRU and LFU
- If use eviction, you can specify LRU or LFU, and the max keys with value in memory
- Support Replication: Leader/Follower(i.e. Master/Slave) replica
- I think it would support Redis Sentinel
- I think it would support Reids Cluster. So no need for Twemproxy and Codis
- I think it would support distributed lock, RedLock, but I think Martin Kleppmann is right
- Support Redis Pipeline
- Support Redis Transaction, including WATCH command
- Support Redis Blocking
- Support Script(LUA)
- Support Redis Subscribe/Publish
- Support Redis Stream
- Support original stats for Redis including SlowLog, plus RedRock specific stats
- Good for mass intensive writing to disk. For regular SSD, you can write new data at speed 20M/s
- Data is compressed in disk, you only need disk volume from 10% to half of your dataset
- When main load is for hot keys, performance is almost the same as Pure Redis, i.e. Million rps for one node
- When coming to avarage random key visit pattern, performance maybe degrade by 1 maganitude order,I guess near Hundred Kilo rps for one node
- Using Rocksdb library, but overload of memory in db engine is limited to tens MB
- Keep the main logic in main thread as Redis, low level for thread switch and race risks.
- Key/value length limit is same as Redis
- Support multi database and can change the number
Based on C/C++, click for details
All config parameters same as Redis, plus four added/optional RedRock config parameters
Maybe support all Redis features, e.g. Master/Slave, Cluster, Transaction, LUA, more details.
You can test RedRock for all features.
I focus on the worst condition performance, more details.
Support all Redis commands except module commands, click for more notice