Bash usage command examples
python ushdrcnn_train.py --epoch=10 --batch-size=15 -g -n -t
python ushdrcnn_train.py --epochs=10 --batch-size=15 --expo-num=15 -g -n -t
quick test:
python ushdrcnn_train.py --epochs=1 --batch-size=9 --expo-num=15 -g
Check tensoroard Summary after training
tensorboard --logdir=runs
- Hyper parameter search https://docs.polyaxon.com/concepts/experiment-groups-hyperparameters-optimization/
- Grid search https://docs.polyaxon.com/references/polyaxon-optimization-engine/grid-search/
polyaxon config set --host= --port 31811
If error: polyaxon: command not found
Try adding the python installation to the PATH
python3 -m site &> /dev/null && PATH="$PATH:`python3 -m site --user-base`/bin"
polyaxon check -f polyaxonfile.yaml
upload project:
polyaxon run -f polyaxonfile.yaml -u -l
- -u: upload/update project
- -f update polyaxonfile.yaml
- -l enable logs onto the standard output (the terminal)
Datasets | Inputs | Input_imgs |
newDataset | 1901 | 28515 |
LDR2_fakeComp_DataSet | 26 | 390 |
File Structure
| ├─Study/
| ├─ date-generic/
| |- 00.b8 -> 15.b8
| ├──Study/
| | exVivo_xx.png
| | exVivo_power.txt
| ├─Results/
| | - stack_hdr_image.hdr
| | - hdrReinhard_global.png
| | - hdrReinhard_local.png
Folder Structure
| ├── LDR_01469_0xxxx.tiff
| ├──LDR_0xxxx/
| | exVivo_xx.png
| | exVivo_power.txt
| ├──Results/
| | stack_hdr_image.hdr
| | hdrReinhard_global.png
| | hdrReinhard_local.png
biggest image: LDR_01469.tiff
maxH: 839 | maxH: 632 |
Smallest image: LDR_00864.tiff
minH: 236 | minH: 279 |
File Structure
| ├── LDR_0xxxx.tiff
| ├── LDR_0xxxx/
| | exVivo_xx.png
| | exVivo_power.txt
| ├──Results/
| | stack_hdr_image.hdr
| | hdrReinhard_global.png
| | hdrReinhard_local.png
| Training SETUP: | Epoch finished ! |
|Epochs: 1 | Train Loss:0.000266 |
|Batch size: 15 | Val Loss:0.000046, running_val_loss:0.000046 |
|Learning rate: 0.1 | Validation loss: 0.000046188 |
|Training size: 3042 | Training complete in 68m 48s |
| Validation size: 760 | |
|Checkpoints: False | |
|CUDA: True | |
| ----------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------|
| Training SETUP: | Epoch finished ! |
|Epochs: 8 | Train Loss:0.000274 |
|Batch size: 15 | Val Loss:0.000049, running_val_loss:0.000049 |
|Learning rate: 0.1 | Validation loss: 0.000049238 |
|Training size: 3042 | Training complete in 399m 26s |
| Validation size: 760 | |
|Checkpoints: False | |
|CUDA: True | |
| ----------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------|