lita-tweeta is a handler for Lita that displays a tweet for a given Twitter URL or username.
Add lita-tweeta to your Lita instance's Gemfile:
gem "lita-tweeta"
Twitter's API requires authentication via OAuth, so you'll need to register your application with Twitter.
Lita.configure do |config|
config.handlers.tweeta.consumer_key = "foo"
config.handlers.tweeta.consumer_secret = "bar"
config.handlers.tweeta.access_token = "baz"
config.handlers.tweeta.access_token_secret = "luhrmann"
To have Lita display a tweet, simply paste its URL into the chat channel:
<me> congratulations jimmy
<lita> "Congratulations on 400 GitHub stars, @litachatbot and @jimmycuadra! #chatops #ruby" --Tristan Chong, 2014-05-04
You can also retrieve a given user's latest tweet:
<me> @lita: tweet sfsiren
<lita> "This is a test. This is a test of the outdoor warning system. This is only a test." --SFSiren, 2015-05-05