Easy-js is a library that I built to help out new programmers and web developers who don't use Javascript that often. During my time
in school I found the Web Design program didn't put much focus on Javascript, and that is how I came up with the idea for Easy-js. With the help of
code snippets and easy to use functions, Easy-js makes Javascript even easier to use!
npm install easy-js
v 0.1.9 brings 4* new chain methods for the Control function with matching VSCode, Sublime and Atom code snippets!
The documentation for Easy-JS
can be found at: Easyjs.org.
Easy.js - The main file that makes Javascript easy for new programmers and experts!
javascript.json - This is a language.json file for VSCode, you will have to run this file manually to add in the code snippets that work with easy-js.
EasyJS.sublime-snippet - This is the snippet file for Sublime Text users
easy-js_snippets.cson - This is the code snippet file for Atom users.
To properly access the code snippets, make sure when you import/require the package that you call it: ejs