UiPath Robot GCP deployment via Terraform.
!! If you deploy the solution from the above button, then delete credentials = "${file("terraform-245706-bba73b77aff6.json")}"
from main.tf
and complete variables.tf
. !!
- Install terraform v0.12.3 (check Installing Terraform).
- Complete the variables.tf file (see Inputs below). Complete the variables.tf file (see Inputs below). For Robots hardware requirements and GCP VM types check : https://robot.uipath.com/docs/hardware-requirements and https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/machine-types.
- Change directory to path of the Orchestrator plan (cd C:\path\to\orchestrator\plan).
- Run :
terraform init
- Run :
terraform plan
- Check the plan of the resources to be deployed and type
if you agree with the plan. - Wait 5-10 mins per GCP instance and enjoy!
Please check : https://learn.hashicorp.com/terraform/getting-started/install.html
Terraform v0.12.3
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
region | Region | string | "us-west1" |
yes |
az | Availability Zone | string | "us-west1-a" |
yes |
image | GCP instances image | string | "windows-server-2016-dc-v20190620" |
yes |
vm_type | Machine type : CPU and RAM size. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/machine-types | string | "n1-standard-4" |
yes |
instance_count | Number of robots to be created. | string | "2" |
yes |
disk_size | Disk size for each VM. | string | "50" |
yes |
app_name | Base VM name. | string | "uirobot" |
yes |
set_local_adminpass | Set local admin password. | string | "yes" |
yes |
admin_password | Local windows administrator password. If variable 'set_local_adminpass' is 'yes'. | string | "Local@dminP@55!*" |
yes |
robot_local_account_role | Robot local accout role : localadmin or localuser | string | "localadmin" |
yes |
orchestrator_url | orchestrator url | string | "https://corp-orchestrator.com" |
yes |
orchestrator_tennant | orchestrator tennant | string | "default" |
yes |
orchestrator_admin | orchestrator admin username | string | "admin" |
yes |
orchestrator_adminpw | orchestrator admin password | string | "Orc@dminP@55!*" |
yes |
vm_username | Robot VM username | string | "uirobot" |
yes |
vm_password | Robot VM password | string | "UiRobot@dminP@55!" |
yes |
robot_type | Robot type | string | "Unattended" |
yes |
Name | Description |
public_ip | Output variable: Public IP address |