Collection of traversal algorithms for Autodesk Maya.
Visit the github repo for source code and the command reference for documentation.
This package is composed of a single file, you can either:
Copy the content of directly.
Download the latest release.
Install using pip:
pip install git+git://
Run Maya >= 2020. It may run on older version but was not tested on them.
parent(node, include_world=False)
children(node, api_type=None)
siblings(node, api_type=None)
hierarchy(root, stoppers=None, api_type=None, depth_first=False
top_nodes(nodes, sparse=False)
connections(root, stoppers=None, api_type=None, depth_first=False, upstream=False)
connected(node, sources=True, destinations=True)
plugs(node, connection=None)
plug_children(plug, reverse=False, physical_indexes=False)
plug_has_source(plug, nested=False)
plug_has_destinations(plug, nested=False)
plug_has_connections(plug, nested=False)
from maya.api import OpenMaya
from mayawalk import hierarchy
modifier = OpenMaya.MDagModifier()
root = modifier.createNode('transform') # root
node_a = modifier.createNode('transform', root) # |- node_a
shape_a = modifier.createNode('nurbsCurve', node_a) # |- shape_a
node_b = modifier.createNode('joint', root) # |- node_b
assert list(hierarchy(root)) == [root, node_a, node_b, shape_a]
assert list(hierarchy(shape_a, upstream=True)) == [shape_a, node_a, root]
from maya.api import OpenMaya
from mayawalk import connections
modifier = OpenMaya.MDagModifier()
node_a = modifier.createNode('transform')
node_b = modifier.createNode('transform')
node_c = modifier.createNode('transform')
plug_a = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode(node_a).findPlug('tx', False)
plug_b = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode(node_b).findPlug('tx', False)
plug_c = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode(node_c).findPlug('tx', False)
modifier.connect(plug_a, plug_b).doIt()
modifier.connect(plug_b, plug_c).doIt()
# node_a.tx >> node_b.tx >> node_c.tx
assert list(connections(node_a)) == [node_a, node_b, node_c]
assert list(connections(node_c, upstream=True)) == [node_c, node_b, node_a]
assert list(connections(node_a, stoppers=[node_b])) == [node_a, node_b]
from maya.api import OpenMaya
from mayawalk import top_nodes
modifier = OpenMaya.MDagModifier()
node_a = modifier.createNode('transform') # node_a
node_b = modifier.createNode('transform', node_a) # |- node_b
node_c = modifier.createNode('transform', node_b) # |- node_c
modifier = modifier.doIt()
assert list(top_nodes([node_b, node_c])) == [node_b]
assert list(top_nodes([node_a, node_c], sparse=True)) == [node_a]
Pull requests are welcome. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.