The master craftsman.
A scala toolkit for building probabilistic models of Dynamical Systems & Turing Machines.
- Clone this repository
- In the top most directory run
sbt console
, you should see the following prompt.
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MM ,MP ,pm9MM 8M"""""" 8MI MM ,pm9MM MM MM MM `YMMMa.
MM ,dP' 8M MM YM. , `Mb MM 8M MM MM MM MM L. I8
.JMMmmmdP' `Moo9^Yo. `Mbmmd' `Wbmd"MML.`Moo9^Yo..JMML. `Mbod"YML.M9mmmP'
Welcome to DynaML v1.4
Interactive Scala shell for Machine Learning Research
(Scala 2.11.8 Java 1.8.0_101)