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Standardizer wraps an io.Reader that reads from a HuJSON stream and
implements an io.Reader that reads back standard JSON.

Unlike the Standardize helper function, it does not validate HuJSON.
It only guarantees that it produces valid JSON if and only if
the input is valid HuJSON. It relies on a downstream JSON parser
to detect various forms of syntactic errors.

Since it does not validate JSON, it is faster and more memory efficient.
The Standardize helper operates by producing an AST,
and then modifying the AST to produce standardized JSON.
Standardizer uses a finite state machine to identify
sections of comments and trailing commas and elides them when reading.
In the common case, it requires no additional memory.


	name            old time/op    new time/op    delta
	Standardizer    1.22µs ± 2%    0.15µs ± 4%   -87.86%

	name            old alloc/op   new alloc/op   delta
	Standardizer      848B ± 0%        0B       -100.00%

	name            old allocs/op  new allocs/op  delta
	Standardizer      15.0 ± 0%       0.0       -100.00%
  • Loading branch information
dsnet committed Nov 15, 2023
1 parent 8ce7cbf commit c027d06
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301 changes: 301 additions & 0 deletions standardizer.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
// Copyright (c) 2023 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package hujson

import (

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package slices is not in GOROOT (/opt/hostedtoolcache/go/1.18.10/x64/src/slices)

Check failure on line 9 in standardizer.go

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// NewStandardizer returns an [io.Reader] that strips HuJSON-specific features
// by replacing all non-whitespace characters in comments and trailing commas
// with space characters, thus preserving original line numbers and byte offsets.
// Unlike [Standardize], this does not validate the complete HuJSON grammar but
// does minimal transformation to convert valid HuJSON into valid standard JSON.
// It relies on a standard JSON parser to later detect syntax errors.
// The output is valid JSON if and only if the input is valid HuJSON.
func NewStandardizer(rd io.Reader) *Standardizer {
return &Standardizer{rd: rd}

// Standardizer is an [io.Reader] that reads standard JSON from a HuJSON stream.
type Standardizer struct {
rd io.Reader
rdErr error // non-persistent read error

// Reset discards the Standardizer's state and
// makes it equivalent to calling NewReader with rd instead.
func (r *Standardizer) Reset(rd io.Reader) {
*r = Standardizer{rd: rd, standardizerBuffer: standardizerBuffer{buffer: r.buffer[:0]}}

// Read implements [io.Reader], reading standardized JSON
// from the underlying stream of HuJSON input.
func (r *Standardizer) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
defer func() {
// Only report errors if there is no more standardize JSON data to copy.
if r.jsonOffset >= r.commaOffset {
err = r.rdErr
r.rdErr = nil // let underlying io.Reader handle persistence
if err == io.EOF && r.expectingMore() {
err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
switch {
// Check whether there is already standardized data to copy out.
case r.jsonOffset < r.commaOffset:
n = copy(b, r.buffer[r.jsonOffset:r.commaOffset])
r.jsonOffset += n
// Check whether we encountered a previous read error.
case r.rdErr != nil:
// Check whether we already have data in the internal buffer.
// If so, read into it and convert it within there,
// copying out any standardized JSON data.
case r.commaOffset < len(r.buffer):
n = len(r.buffer) - r.commaOffset
r.buffer = slices.Grow(r.buffer, n)
n, r.rdErr = r.rd.Read(r.buffer[len(r.buffer):][:n])
r.buffer = r.buffer[:len(r.buffer)+n]
n = copy(b, r.buffer[r.jsonOffset:r.commaOffset])
r.jsonOffset += n
// Otherwise, the internal buffer is empty. As an optimization,
// read directly into the external buffer and standardize it in place
// using the previous state. Some data may not be standardized,
// so the unconverted data and state must be preserved.
n, r.rdErr = r.rd.Read(b)
sb := standardizerBuffer{buffer: b[:n], state: r.state}
r.standardizerBuffer = standardizerBuffer{
buffer: append(r.buffer[:0], b[sb.commaOffset:n]...),
hujsonOffset: sb.hujsonOffset - sb.commaOffset,
state: sb.state,
n = sb.commaOffset
return n, err

// standardizerBuffer is a buffer split into several segments:
// - buffer[:jsonOffset] contains data that has already been copied out
// to a Read call. This is considered unused buffer space.
// - buffer[jsonOffset:commaOffset] contains already standardized data
// that is safe to copy out to a future Read call.
// - buffer[commaOffset:hujsonOffset] contains data that is standardized except
// that it may start with a trailing comma, which cannot be standardized
// until we find the next JSON token. If the next token is a closing
// object or array delimiter, then we must elide the comma.
// Since there is no Limit to the whitespace between a trailing comma and
// the closing delimiter, this may buffer an unbounded amount of memory.
// This is always empty unless commaState == afterPossibleTrailingComma.
// - buffer[hujsonOffset:] contains HuJSON data that is not yet standardized.
// After calling standardize, this is either empty or contains a
// short fragment because the meaning cannot yet be determined.
// Fragments can occur within a comment when validating for UTF-8 and
// a UTF-8 encoded sequence is truncated.
// It can also occur within a block comment where the buffer
// ends with a '*' and we do not know if the next character is a '/' or not,
// which may terminate or continue the block comment sequence.
// A fragment is always shorter than [utf8.UTFMax].
// Invariant: 0 <= jsonOffset <= commaOffset <= hujsonOffset <= len(buffer)
// It maintains a finite state machine for eliding comments and trailing commas.
// It does not validate for JSON as that requires a push-down automaton,
// which requires O(n) of stack memory.
type standardizerBuffer struct {
buffer []byte
jsonOffset int
commaOffset int
hujsonOffset int

state struct {
comment commentState
comma commaState

// commentState is a finite state machine for eliding HuJSON comments.
type commentState uint8

const (
withinWhitespace commentState = iota // zero or more whitespace characters
withinLineComment // begins with "//" and ends with "\n"
withinBlockComment // begins with "/*" and ends with "*/"
withinStringLiteral // begins with '"' and ends with unescaped '"'
withinNonStringLiteral // one or more non-whitespace or non-structural characters

// commaState is a finite state machine for eliding HuJSON trailing commas.
// A trailing comma only occurs after the completion of a JSON value and
// before a closing object or array delimiter.
type commaState uint8

const (
beforeValueEnd commaState = iota

// standardize standardizes HuJSON as standard JSON.
// This is an idempotent operation.
func (s *standardizerBuffer) standardize() {
b := s.buffer
i := s.hujsonOffset
stateMachine: // whenever state changes, continue here
for uint(i) < uint(len(b)) {
switch s.state.comment {
case withinWhitespace: // JSON whitespace
for uint(i) < uint(len(b)) {
switch b[i] {
case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t': // skip over whitespace
i += len(" ")
case '/': // possible comment
if uint(i+1) >= uint(len(b)) {
break stateMachine // truncated input
switch b[i+1] {
case '/': // HuJSON line comment
copy(b[i:], " ")
s.state.comment = withinLineComment
i += len("//")
continue stateMachine
case '*': // HuJSON block comment
copy(b[i:], " ")
s.state.comment = withinBlockComment
i += len("/*")
continue stateMachine
default: // invalid token; see withinNonStringLiteral case below
s.state.comment = withinNonStringLiteral
s.state.comma = beforeValueEnd
i += len("/")
continue stateMachine
case '{', '[', ':':
s.state.comma = beforeValueEnd
i += len("{")
continue stateMachine
case ',':
if s.state.comma == afterValueEnd {
s.state.comma = afterPossibleTrailingComma
s.commaOffset = i
} else {
s.state.comma = beforeValueEnd
i += len(",")
continue stateMachine
case '}', ']':
if s.state.comma == afterPossibleTrailingComma {
b[s.commaOffset] = ' '
s.state.comma = afterValueEnd
i += len("}")
continue stateMachine
case '"':
s.state.comment = withinStringLiteral
s.state.comma = beforeValueEnd
i += len(`"`)
continue stateMachine
s.state.comment = withinNonStringLiteral
s.state.comma = beforeValueEnd
i += len(`?`)
continue stateMachine
case withinLineComment, withinBlockComment: // HuJSON comments
for uint(i) < uint(len(b)) {
switch {
case b[i] == '\n' && s.state.comment == withinLineComment:
i += len("\n")
s.state.comment = withinWhitespace
continue stateMachine
case b[i] == '*' && s.state.comment == withinBlockComment:
if uint(i+1) >= uint(len(b)) {
break stateMachine // truncated input
if b[i+1] == '/' {
copy(b[i:], " ")
i += len("*/")
s.state.comment = withinWhitespace
continue stateMachine
case b[i] < utf8.RuneSelf: // single-byte ASCII
switch b[i] {
case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t':
b[i] = ' ' // convert non-whitespace to space
i += len(" ")
default: // multi-byte Unicode
// Invalid UTF-8 bytes are not replaced with spaces so that
// a standard JSON parser can detect them as invalid syntax.
r, rn := utf8.DecodeRune(b[i:])
switch {
case r != utf8.RuneError || rn != 1:
copy(b[i:][:rn], " ") // replace valid UTF-8 with space characters
case !utf8.FullRune(b[i:]):
break stateMachine // truncated UTF-8 sequence
i += rn
case withinStringLiteral: // JSON strings
for uint(i) < uint(len(b)) {
switch b[i] {
case '"': // terminating double quote
s.state.comment = withinWhitespace
s.state.comma = afterValueEnd
i += len(`"`)
continue stateMachine
case '\\': // escaped byte (possibly a double quote)
if uint(i+1) >= uint(len(b)) {
break stateMachine // truncated input
i += len(`\?`)
default: // non-escaped byte
i += len("?")
case withinNonStringLiteral: // JSON null, booleans, numbers
// This treats all non-whitespace and non-structural characters as
// part of a JSON non-string literal. This may include invalid JSON,
// which is admissible since it will be passed on verbatim for
// a standard JSON parser to eventually reject as a syntax error.
for uint(i) < uint(len(b)) {
switch b[i] {
case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t', '/', '{', '[', ':', ',', '}', ']', '"':
s.state.comment = withinWhitespace
s.state.comma = afterValueEnd
continue stateMachine
i += len("?")
if s.state.comma != afterPossibleTrailingComma {
s.commaOffset = i
s.hujsonOffset = i
s.buffer = b

// expectingMore reports whether there might be more standard JSON data to read.
func (s *standardizerBuffer) expectingMore() bool {
return s.commaOffset < len(s.buffer) || s.state.comment == withinLineComment || s.state.comment == withinBlockComment

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