Making multi-repository builds simple.
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In order to use dmux
you only need to define a map of your repositories
and the branch to fetch from in a front matter on top of your Dockerfile.
--- master
FROM scratch
ADD repository .
You can add as many repositories as desired.
--- master master master
FROM scratch as repository-1
ADD repository-1 .
If you plan on using ssh to fetch your repositories you’ll need to make sure your ssh-agent is properly initialized.
eval `ssh-agent`
In order to build an image, Docker creates a context. A context is just a word for a tar archive of a given folder passed to the build command. That context is then sent to the Docker deamon in order to build the image.
injects itself right before the context is created. It will create a
context of its own made of all the files, folders and git repository passed in
the front matter of the Dockerfile. After that, it mimics how Docker works.
Since the repository content is stored in memory before being passed to the docker context, it's a good idea to avoid repository with a lot of content.