A multi-chain markerplace allows anyone list NFT once and sell to any chain. Supports of ERC-721, ERC-1155 and accepts payment with ERC-721, ERC-1155 and ERC-20 tokens. Currently live on Kovan and Mumbai Testnet and soon available on Polygon and BNB chain.
The project consists of 4 modules, /frontend
made by React, /contracts
with Hardhat, /backend
with Google Firebase serves as backend API manages order records and /services
with Node.js contains the scripts to run validator and relayer nodes.
HTTP Method | path | RequestBody | Response |
GET | /orders | none | { "status": "ok", "orders": [{...},{...},{...}]} |
GET | /orders/{id} | none | { "status": "ok", "order": {...}} |
POST | /orders | *required | { "status": "ok", "body": {...req.body} , "orderId": 1} |
POST | /orders/confirm | {orderId,message,signature} | { "status": "ok", "orderId": 1} |
POST | /orders/cancel | {orderId,message,signature} | { "status": "ok", "orderId": 1} |
Contract Name | Contract Address |
Marketplace | 0x260fC7251fAe677B6254773d347121862336fb9f |
Contract Name | Contract Address |
Marketplace | 0x7D17d5903eDEdB8597c9343c94FeD74E93589e47 |
Contract Name | Contract Address |
Marketplace | 0xd0B14b314B6B983889b68E6EA307BF210156A050 |
Contract Name | Contract Address |
Marketplace | 0xC8def0BE43D35a247e03EEd09C9afBd5FC866769 |
Contract Name | Contract Address |
Marketplace | 0x49F74a10855288D2f390E784c349dCD3f44499AC |
Mock NFT | 0x48a47587c82E0B21d213D22064433BB67a7a7171 |
Contract Name | Contract Address |
Marketplace | 0x9286e7a1f66b6f99dB85A345117a330ED5ED79F1 |
Mock NFT | 0x576430Ecadbd9729B32a4cA9Fed9F38331273924 |
Contract Name | Contract Address |
Marketplace | 0x9682DaBf26831523B21759A50b0a45832f82DBa3 |
Mock NFT | 0x61ad3Fe6B44Bfbbcec39c9FaD566538c894b6471 |
Mock USDC | 0x65e38111d8e2561aDC0E2EA1eeA856E6a43dC892 |
Mock DAI | 0x553588e084604a2677e10E46ea0a8A8e9D859146 |
Contract Name | Contract Address |
Marketplace | 0x6fdB032668F1F856fbC2e9F5Df348938aFBFBE17 |
Mock NFT | 0xabA544c167443f3feE33Fb49Ee7b1b49594C25F3 |
Mock USDC | 0x65e38111d8e2561aDC0E2EA1eeA856E6a43dC892 |
Mock DAI | 0x553588e084604a2677e10E46ea0a8A8e9D859146 |
Type | Address |
Relayer | 0xf101B7cffF01FFF5D038C8ed38ae98dc45b98343 |
Validator | 0x361aad4b274cCb5Bcc60316FF8db46C3cc753CCF |
MIT © Tamago Finance