sql-bricks extension for MySQL
mysql-bricks is an extension to the awesome sql-bricks library, that helps generate SQL statements for MySQL DB. It adds MySQL specific functions and formatting on top of the sql-bricks functionality.
Requires Node.js V6+ and ECMAScript 6 to run
$ npm install mysql-bricks
see sql-bricks documentation for common SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE functionality. Below are examples of usage for the MySQL-specific functionality:
let values = [[123, 'Daniel', 41, 92], [456, 'David', 34, 87], [789, 'Rachel', 22, 98]];
let query = sql.insert('main.some_table', 'id', 'name', 'age', 'grade')
INSERT INTO main.some_table (id, name, age, grade)
VALUES (123, \'Daniel\', 41, 92), (456, \'David\', 34, 87), (789, \'Rachel\', 22, 98)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause can also contain a column-value pair, where the value is a free text sql.
Note that free-text sql will not be automatically quoted if it contains reserved words.
let values = [[123, 'Daniel', 41, 92, 0], [456, 'David', 34, 87, 0], [789, 'Rachel', 22, 98, 0]];
let query = sql.insert('main.some_table', 'id', 'name', 'age', 'grade', 'counter')
.onDuplicateKeyUpdate(['age', 'grade', { counter: 'counter + 1' }])
INSERT INTO main.some_table (id, name, age, grade, counter)
VALUES (123, \'Daniel\', 41, 92, 0), (456, \'David\', 34, 87, 0), (789, \'Rachel\', 22, 98, 0)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE age = VALUES(age), grade = VALUES(grade), counter = counter + 1
let values = [[123, 'Daniel', 41, 92], [456, 'David', 34, 87], [789, 'Rachel', 22, 98]];
let query = sql.insert('main.some_table', 'id', 'name', 'age', 'grade')
INSERT IGNORE INTO main.some_table (id, name, age, grade)
VALUES (123, \'Daniel\', 41, 92), (456, \'David\', 34, 87), (789, \'Rachel\', 22, 98)
let query = sql.select().from('main.some_table').limit(100).toString();
SELECT * FROM main.some_table LIMIT 100
MySQL supports optional 'limit' clause in UPDATE and DELETE queries:
let query = sql.delete('main.some_table').limit(100).toString();
DELETE FROM main.some_table LIMIT 100
let query = sql.select().from('main.some_table').limit(100).offset(50).toString();
SELECT * FROM main.some_table LIMIT 100 OFFSET 50
MySQL supports optional 'order by' clause in UPDATE and DELETE queries:
let query = sql.update('main.some_table', { grade: 90})
.where(sql.gt('grade', 90))
.orderBy('age desc')
UPDATE main.some_table SET grade = 90 WHERE grade > 90 ORDER BY age desc LIMIT 100
Supported MySQL specific functions are the most common ones as used by me, but if you find something missing - feel free to open an issue, or better yet - a pull request!