Simple mixed-effects growth models applied to tumor growth (modeling the effect of treatment and measurement method).
These models - or their variants - were used in the following papers:
- Johanna Sápi, Tamás Ferenci, Dániel András Drexler, Levente Kovács. Tumor model identification and statistical analysis. In: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 2015: IEEE SMC 2015. Hong Kong, China, 2015.10.09-2015.10.12. Hong Kong: IEEE, 2015. pp. 2481-2486. (ISBN:978-1-4799-8697-2).
- T Ferenci, J Sápi, L Kovács. Modelling xenograft tumor growth under antiangiogenic inhibitation with mixed-effects models. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference Proceedings: SMC 2016. Budapest, Hungary, 2016.10.09-2016.10.12. Budapest: IEEE, 2016. pp. 3912-3917. (ISBN:978-1-5090-1897-0).
- Tamás Ferenci, Johanna Sápi, Levente Kovács. Modelling Tumor Growth Under Angiogenesis Inhibition with Mixed-effects Models. ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA 14:(1) pp. 221-234. (2017).
Code is available here. Columns of RawData
are: Date
(date of the measurement), Type
denotes control, E
denotes treated), Code
(unique identifier of the mouse), Caliper1
, Caliper2
, Caliper3
(measurements of the given mouse at the given date with the respective measurement methods). An example file is provided with randomly generated data.
A demonstration of how the statistical analysis plan (from simple comparison of final volume through ANCOVA baseline adjustment to mixed model) influences the results. It is also a re-analysis of already published data.
This analysis was used in the following paper:
- Lack of effectiveness of bevacizumab with metronomic administration in colon adenocarcinoma mouse models. (Submitted to: PLoS One.)
Code is available here.