- Relative Stability - Anchored/Pegged -> to USD
- This can be acheived by the chainlink price feed
- Set a function to exchange ETH/BTC for $$ equivalent
- Stability mechanism (minting) : Algorithmic (Decentralised)
- People can only mint stablecoin with enough collateral only (coded)
- Collateral type - Exogenous (Crypto Collateral)
- wETH
- wBTC
- ERC20 mock contract needed to be installed - OpenZeppelin has had changes and no longer accepts 4 constructors old :
contract ERC20Mock is ERC20 {
constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol, address initialAccount, uint256 initialBalance)
ERC20(name, symbol)
_mint(initialAccount, initialBalance);
new :
contract ERC20Mock is ERC20 {
constructor() ERC20("ERC20Mock", "E20M") {}
- In the initial invariant tests, we need to approve the handler contract and mint money as well :
constructor(DSCEngine _dsce, DecentralisedStableCoin _dsc) {
dsce = _dsce;
dsc = _dsc;
address[] memory collateralTokens = dsce.getCollateralTokens();
weth = ERC20Mock(collateralTokens[0]);
wbtc = ERC20Mock(collateralTokens[1]);
>weth.mint(address(this), 1000 * 10e18);
>wbtc.mint(address(this), 1000 * 10e18);
//redeem collateral
function depositCollateral(uint256 collateralSeed, uint256 amountCollateral) external {
//this would have broken as we would allow any collateral token, but now we are restricting to wbtc and weth
/* ERC20Mock collateral = _getCollateralFromSeed(collateralSeed);
collateral.approve(address(dsce), amountCollateral);
dsce.depositCollateral(address(collateral), amountCollateral); */
ERC20Mock collateral = _getCollateralFromSeed(collateralSeed);
console.log("Balance before deposit: ", collateral.balanceOf(msg.sender));
console.log("Allowance before deposit: ", collateral.allowance(msg.sender, address(dsce)));
>collateral.approve(address(dsce), amountCollateral);
dsce.depositCollateral(address(collateral), amountCollateral);
console.log("Balance after deposit: ", collateral.balanceOf(msg.sender));
console.log("Allowance after deposit: ", collateral.allowance(msg.sender, address(dsce)));
//Helper functions
function _getCollateralFromSeed(uint256 collateralSeed) private view returns (ERC20Mock) {
if (collateralSeed % 2 == 0) {
return weth;
return wbtc;
- Make sure to run the following after every couple of tests :
forge clean
forge build